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"Clang, clang--" The kitchen knife chopped off the bones, leaving traces on the chopping board.

Tiny bones jumped everywhere and flew all over the room.

Qi Yan couldn't help but swallow. He felt that what was being chopped on the chopping board was not the ribs but his own ribs.

And...why does Chu Ze say that human flesh tastes like it?

The discomfort made Qi Yan feel uncomfortable all over his body, and the green pepper shredded pork really seemed to have a dry mouth.

Qi Yan, who was sitting on pins and needles with a gleam on his back, could

n't stand it anymore: "Well, I'll go first..." Before he could finish his words, Chu Ze stood at the door of the kitchen with a kitchen knife in hand and said with a gloomy face: "Sit down."

" ...Oh." Qi Yan immediately sat back obediently.

His intuition told him that if he didn't obey, the consequences would be serious.

No... The book didn't say anything about Chu Ze's illness.

But it's hard to tell, because the book only tells about Chu Ze's reconciliation with Xiang Song, and nothing about what happened after that.

If Chu Ze dismembered Sui Xiangsong one night...

then the romance would turn into horror and suspense in a second.

Qi Yan burst into tears.

Do you want to call the police?

Chu Ze came out of the kitchen and almost couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, although Qi Yan's face was always calm, the emotions in his eyes were rich and colorful.

Just like now, I am obviously very scared, but I have to pretend to have no expression.

This guy is really interesting.

"Eat it." Chu Ze placed the freshly made salt and pepper pork ribs in front of Qi Yan, not forgetting to smile at Qi Yan.

Qi Yan's whole body froze, and there was something about this smile...

"Don't you like salt and pepper pork ribs the most?" Chu Ze took a piece of salt and pepper pork ribs and put it in Qi Yan's bowl.

The pork ribs smelled very fragrant and looked very good, but Qi Yan didn't dare to move his chopsticks at all.

"Just...why did you mention the taste of human flesh?" Qi Yan asked cautiously.

"I didn't, I just said that the texture of the meat is different." Chu Ze didn't intend to tease Qi Yan anymore. He smiled and said, "The green pepper shredded pork is made from mutton." "Oh,

oh." Qi Yan replied god.

So you are overthinking it?

That is to say, Chu Ze is obviously a little white flower.

Qi Yan breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head, picked up the ribs and put them into his mouth.

"It's delicious. Your skills can make you a chef." Qi Yan was full of praise.

"Really?" Chu Ze raised his palm-sized face and said with clear eyes like a deer: "Sure enough, meat quality is very important." "

That's true, but if you hoard meat, it will reduce the taste." Qi Yan commented arrive.

"It's okay, I usually do experiments." Chu Ze smiled mysteriously.

Qi Yan was slightly startled. Is it possible that formalin or something poisonous was added?

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