2: preparing for a show

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I smirked at the freshly transformed Trolls after the plume of red glittery smoke dissipated. I could feel a malicious grin cross my features as now I finally have them right where I want them.

It only took waiting, lots of waiting especially with no one came to my rescue, no one to even caring enough to see if I was even alive. My nerves were set aflame as my limbs felt like jelly as I couldn't hold back the hot tears of achievement letting them cascade down my face making my eyeliner run with it.

I'm finally free, The infamous trio were now little Trolls just like me. However, this time they'll be completely helpless especially the one who now laid at my feet, her periwinkle nose twitching as her mint chip green hair was cascading around her like a river, draping itself across the marble floor in front of her.

She almost looked like a soft rococo painting with how soft she appeared blissfully unaware of the hell that awaited her, the torment and agony I was going to put her through.

I was going to ask her brother for one tiny little favor, I want him to tell the world what his sister had done to me.

The look of shock and betrayal on her face will make my heart laugh at her misery as everything around her was destroyed and reduced to rubble. I want him to absolutely abolish the bridge with her, burning his familial love for her into fucking ash.

Not to mention, he knew all of her weaknesses; every last tick, down to her darkest secrets that she kept under lock and key. I had the advantage now, I was going to enjoy this, watching her crumble, cry and screech all while the brother she tried so hard to desperately control with her iron fist melt into my arms.

I snarled as a wiggly feeling wormed itself into my innards, my image of her was now becoming tainted with a tenderness due to her sharing a disturbing amount of similarity with her brother, the only difference between the two were her eyes were an icy glacial aquamarines while his were dreamy captivating sapphires.

But regardless of their different eye shades, I was going to have to dye her hair, I don't want to confuse myself and stop because I see shimmers of Veneer in her.

maybe white? Red? the colors are endless. But I made my choice when my eyes noticed the box of black hair dye that laid on the counter.

My fist snagged at the root of the puddle of her locks, letting my cocaine colored talons dig into her scalp, a visceral hot warm smile working itsself onto my face as suddenly felt a wetness around my fingers as I pulled her upwards, letting her small new form drag behind me.

I didn't want to give her the decency of being clean as I witnessed her fur being turned into a dirty sludge covered snow as I dragged her through the disgusting floor.

After all she never gave me that kindness, Veneer had, he always took me out of the gem to clean myself.

However the feathers above my hooves had become out grown along with my chest fluff and the long fluffs of fur around my wrists had overstayed their welcome. At least Veneer helped me out my polishing the walls of my feet and clipping and filing my fingernails and toes. I softly smiled as I remember that he was the one who painted my nails white.

'White is soooo your color!' I hear his soft coo of affection towards me echo in my thoughts as I finally reached the dresser where my Crystal sat on top.

With a fling of my hair I propelled the both of us upwards towards my small cramped glamorous cell.

whilst mid air as we were above the open crystal, I dropped Velvet letting her hit the bottom of her precious perfume bottle face first as I practically threw her inside.

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