4: soothing panicked nerves

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Those lustrous vivid diamonds blinked open as his hot pink tongue licked his lips to rehydrate them, he slowly turned his head to see me above him, a gentle smile on my face with my tail unabashedly thumping against the bed in excitement.

The soft Thump thump thump made him cringe from the overwhelming noise on his new enhanced hearing. I did feel a tad guilty but I couldn't help myself I was just vibrating with glee at the fact that I now get to fulfill all the fantasies I've dreamt about with him.

Walking by the ocean, playing house with him while I let him feed his overwhelming shopping addiction with him blowing a sickening amount of money on frivolous items.

He wasn't the only one who benefited in my wildest daydreams, while he fed his vices I fed my ravenous desires in return.

My hunger of being his beloved was disgustingly enormous, almost as if it were a bottomless pit with me picturing him draping himself across my lap as he spoiled himself more rotten than he already was due to his freshly squeezed fame.

I could see it now, him wearing a fur coat of his sister's peeled skin with matching necklace made from Crimps teeth that strangled his pencil thin throat as he sat on my lap littering my chest with his malachite stained kisses as we tangled tails.

These twisting deranged thoughts pulsed through my subconscious into the fore front of my conscious as my heart pulsed for him, the blood rushing from my head as I tried to contain my lovesickness, but failing miserably as he blinked his bleary eyes as he tried to absorb his surroundings.

My blood coursing lower as my mind wondered to how he sounded in such an intimate scene, my curiosity was somewhat satiated as I was graced with the sound of his soft purr like cries because of my terrible sleep schedule of Velvet partying all night.

I loathed how my sleep clock was deformed due to her instance of private concerts in the shower, her narcissistic pony shows she performed at night clubs and much more.

But the perk of being awake during those times on the nights where she fled into the night, leaving me on the vanity in their shared dressing room was I could practically taste him, the light sound of liquid pouring from him as his breathy whines landed themselves on my tongue as he climaxed after his private exploration.

And my god was it delicious, like the most delectable ambrosia coating my tongue in its thick syrup as I could only guess what those soft plush green lips tasted like. He probably tasted like iced coffee he drank, or vanilla like the ice cream he binges before falling asleep.

So many possibilities for my imagination to work with but soon hopefully with a little bit of feeding my zealous shopaholic prince some loving care and affection, my dreams would be a reality and I wouldn't have to imagine anything anymore.

My body itched in delight at the possibility of claiming that soft mouth, completely wanting to over flood my senses with him, to savor his succulent surrender to me. I shivered as I could imagine those cyan nails clawing into my back as my gaze went to his fists that made a small twitch.

"Where am I?" I rose an eyebrow at how he sounded more confused than scared that he was in a random bed with his sister's ex prisoner above him, if our places were swapped I'd be very concerned. But Veneer seemed as calm as if I were telling him the weather.

"I believe this is Velvet's doll house" I greedily laced my indigo fingers with his nimble pearl ones, him pushing our hands closer in reciprocation made my ribs ache at his endearment. His green lips were slightly parted as he moved to push himself up, his back against the oriental head board of the bed.

"Oh... I believe what you meant to say was the dollhouse I bought for you that Velvet confiscated." He moved his hands up rubbing at his temples as his chest took soft deep breaths as if he were trying to soothe himself from the pain. Poor baby, he must be overwhelmed and exhausted from his transformation, I could help him but his words brought me back to reality as I softly worded,

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