7. A lovers assistance

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I soon reached our shared bedroom with my green hair beauty sitting on his heels mindful of his fairy fingers with his thigh spread as he bounced at the sight of me. His pupils went into the shapes of stars as he Excitedly moved, shifting his legs until he sat on the edge of the bed.

"You're back!" He let out an excited coo as I decided to make a ballsy move with scooping him up in my arms, getting a tad spooked as his legs automatically wrapped themselves around my waist slightly crossing. His hands laid themselves on my shoulders as my tail swished in glee behind me.

Then as those beautiful sapphires placed themselves in my garnets, they were wide as his frosted cream face flushed with a glamorous orchid shade at my ambitious move. Continuing my streak of confidence, I pecked his face in heavy kisses with him letting out loud happy giggles as I pampered him.

I'm surprised that he was so willing. So compliant with my love, poor thing probably wasn't used to any attention unless Velvet required him to write songs for her or design new outfits that showed off their lanky bodies more.

Those loud noises were filling my heart with warmth as I haven't heard him laugh this much, it was almost melancholic how in the whole two years I've spent with him he's never indulged me in his stunningly beautiful laughter.

It was a testament on how genuinely miserable his fame and sister have made him to the point in all of the two years I've been here I've never heard him genuinely laugh besides those cutesy fake laughs he does for Kid, Velvet and the hot white flashes of the cameras as he was being interviewed.

I've heard genuine chuckles and giggles fall from those pale leafy lips as we exchanged flirtatious spars back and forth during the beginning of our intimate relationship with each other but never a full unfiltered laugh with adorable snorts like now.

Oh my stunning Persephone, how I long to take you down into my hellish depths and spoil you with my ravenous desires for you and love you with everything in my rotten decaying heart as you fill my eardrums up with your delightful laughter and your sweet kisses fill my lungs with delicate rose petals.

Much to my dismay he cleared his throat as to soothe the giggles trying to snuff them down before he was calmed down enough from his loud joyful laughter to reduce it down to heavy breaths Before asking,

"Did you figure out what that noise was?" Those warm love hazed eyes bore into my matching ones, filling my rose tinted vision with nothing but those eternal midnight ocean blue depths that glimmered with sparkles of holographic flakes of moonlight lurking in them.

"Oh it was just a mouse." His desaturated lips pursed as he nodded seemingly agreeing with my answer, but growing annoyed as he let out a soft sigh,

"We still have them? I told Crimp to call the exterminators like last week." He puffed as he crossed his arms in my grasp, my poor sweetheart, those two have grated themselves under your porcelain skin for the last time. I hummed as I again pecked him on the cheek but he wrapped his arms around my neck as he touched my nose to his,

"Well, can I help you now?" Oh my he was still focused on that, with a silent nod of my head he pulled me forwards with his body weight as a silent message to place him down on the bed.

I put him down and he reached over to grab a box from where the pillows sat on the head of bed and pulled out some supplies, a nipper, a large metallic file and a pair of scissors and a brush.

He seemed determined to not only file my hooves but to trim my fur as well. That was awfully nice of him. But then again, for him to this for me to him was probably the bare minimum of what he could do.

As he scooted closer to me with the nippers in his hand I moved into a more comfortable position on my stomach with my hooves in the air purposely tilting them forwards to get them into the proper position to get properly trimmed.

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