15. It took me by surprise

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"W-what do you mean?" Velvet felt the worms crawling out from crimps rotting flesh that laid beneath her fingernails. Their small ribbed fleshy bodies kissing the peach fuzz on the pads of her fingers as she shuddered at the boiling hot heat that curled painfully in her gut.

"You heard me~ either I grant you this mercy by graciously leaving you a playmate or you can rot. Either way I'm killing You afterwards before I move on to Ritz." Her heat kept thrumming itself as her bile climbing up her throat.

Ritz was his next Victim, was he going to be given the same vile ultimatum as she? Where Ritz had to fuck her corpse to be given the false hope of freedom only to run into deaths arms instead.

It made her spine twinge as how the famous interviewer was going to meet her fate; stuck in this vile biohazard filled hell hole with Floyd gazing on for his sick entertainment then, skinned for her just as fucked brother to wear as a coat before they ran off together to never be seen ever again.

But the way Floyd spat out Ritz's name in a husky snarl made her cunt curl at his harsh bitter tone. This hot coils of blurry emotions were swirling in her innards and it made her violently sick to her stomach the way she had made Floyd with her eerie dark confession.

Velvet sat in silence as she contemplated her options, either she fucked this corpse as fast as she could to get her heat over with or fester in this hot achy feeling, letting the fluid from her slit that already coated her thighs and most of her legs already to coat her whole lower half.

She felt like a pissed off hornet, so ready and willing to sting anything with these weird tendrils between her legs and her long coiled clit. She sobbed as she had to make up her foggy lust hazed mind soon before Floyd takes Crimps body to be disposed of.

Her mind became numb and only the sound of white noise rang itself through her ear drums. Her eyes were useless to her so that did help a tad as she could use her vivid imagination to pretend like she wasn't violating a dead body.

God is this how he felt when Velvet snuck into Veneer's room? No wonder why he always nipped Velvet's fingers, he probably felt like a beast ready to attack.

Velvet recalled upon that realization on how his fangs threatened to slice through her skin as she poked and prodded his small frame. His throbbing small member making her giggle at how much of a pathetic display he was while she dug her fingernails into his small fuzzy fruit like exterior.

"W-what did R-ritz do?" She felt the words tumble out her mouth before she could stop herself, mildly thrusting her coiled clit against the chilled exterior of Crimp's folds. The electrical shock made her release a whine from her cracked and bloody lips.

After her breathy call of arousal, Velvet let chunks of vomit enter her mouth, her lips pressing hard together to keep her acidic acid in her mouth as she could not only smell the rot and decay but feel the maggots dancing around her fingernail beds along with her cock like clit. The chunky bugs that wiggled and writhed disgustingly added to Velvet's deprived pleasure as they squirmed against her folds and clit.

"Let's just say he couldn't take a hint after being told no." Velvet didn't need long to figure out what Floyd meant by that, she's seen the way Ritz looks at Veneer, she's had jealous surges that appeared after she's seen those milky hands dancing across her brothers frame with clear lustful intentions.

"My poor sweetheart Veneer-" his soft breathy caress of her brother's name sent her into a vicious fury that felt like hot coals settling in her stomach as she thrusted her clit into the icy opening of the dead body she currently rested on top of.

"He's not as innocent as he seems." She snarled as Crimps soft brittle skin broke under the digging of her nails letting her cold now obsidian blood wet the tips of her fingers.

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