11. Darkest desires from a loyal fan

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"Veneer! Sweetheart where are you" The shill high pitched call brought the small boy back from his avid imagination of far away lands of kissing his favorite musician as they skipped through fields of strawberry kisses and grandeur that leaked like ambrosia from Zeus' cup.

"Hello." The small boy huffed, angry as his long string hair kept lingering in his face as he tried to color in the boy artist's magenta hair using his favorite glittery crayon.

Floyd was his favorite so it only made sense that magenta was his favorite color, in Veneer's mind his drawing of him had to be done in the green haired boys favorite crayons. His future husband deserves only the best.

His chubby cheeks puffed out as dentist number 1 tried to pester him about who he was drawing. But he was at least happy that she always referred to him by his new name, after all he picked it himself! Oh how happy he was when he showed Velvet his new name and hopped in joy as she nodded in approval towards his chosen name.

The female dentist was still bothering him as he refused to answer her, the pale sky blue haired woman with shimmering blue eyes outlined in thick inky blue eye bags with an uglier golden eyeshadow making her look much more atrocious tried to join him on the floor but the green haired toddler knew better, he knew that she only paid him any mind when dentist number 2 went over to his younger prettier wife's house.

He liked dentist number 2's secret second wife, she always gave him lollipops as the green haired man brought her up into the shared bedroom of the dentists.

Plus he could at least be grateful for dentist number two's infidelity because that's how he met his idol. He had caught the green haired dentist on top of his newest playmate and the man had bribed Veneer with BroZone tickets where he met Floyd for the first time.

The ten year old boy with indigo skin and raspberry colored hair was singing towards the audience with a 5 year old Veneer in attendance who filled his head with the delusion that the pink themed boy was singing to him directly, cooing soft romantic love songs at him rather than just singing towards a larger audience.

Veneer kept coloring, smiling as he scribbled on his pale blue veil as a soft cute flush pigmenting his chubby cheeks a pinky purple as he was going to marry the troll when he got to be a big boy.

He and Floyd were going to live in Mount Rageous with him being Floyd's husband forever and even after that. And no one was going to stop him from obtaining his dreams after all, he was blessed with his sister's ambition and her helpful reminders of how he would be able to do anything he wanted like marrying Floyd if he were famous, made him strive for fame even harder.

Size didn't matter to Veneer as he drew himself the same size as the small troll both holding hands in a field of red roses but the annoying oversized tumor that called herself his mother kept nagging at him trying to break him from his delusions that made his teeth vibrate from how sweet and rich like honey they were.

Her monotonous voice grating at Veneer's nerves with her blabbing about how she misses him and how they should spend time together before he got older and became an 'angsty teen'. Veneer could hope that the day where he became a big boy came so both of his failures for guardians could leave him alone forever.

He and Velvet could go off running into the sunset on their way to wonderland that included the two of them gorging themselves on their caloric filled dreams of grandeur and splendor with his tiny husband by his side.

Her voice was still worming itself into his subconscious interrupting his dreams of being with the second youngest member of the troll band as he could feel her insecurities bleed out into their one sided conversation, like a slit throat that just kept gushing as she kept blabbering, her thin almost non existent lips spitting out her nervousness on a silver platter for Veneer to criticize.

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