6. What's coming to me.

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*attempted descriptions of violence *

As I let my hooves collide with the soft emerald carpet as I gazed at the large king sized bed that held my two chew toys that I was going to have so much fun with.

The diamond came into view and I could definitely was bore to an interesting sight, Crimp was petting Velvet, running coffee pigmented fingers through her evergreen pigmented hair. Soft whispers were exchanged as I drew closer, both completely unaware of my approach.

Crimp was the first to notice me as she wheezed as I approached the two, Velvet however sat there with her broken bloody nose high in the air as she had both of her pearly fists against the glass. Crimp cuddled into Velvet's back completely using her as a shield from my boiling hot gaze. Those black hole colored eyes tearing as she noticed the burlap sack in my grasp.

My eyes went down to their hooves and my eyes widened as I saw how Velvet not only completely destroyed her fairy fingers, but her hoof was cracked and splinters of obsidian laid in the puddle of blood below her right hoof. She must've kept kicking and screaming until she literally couldn't any more.

Jesus Christ she's a determined one, so willing to destroy anything that comes im her path as a means of her getting her way. I chuckled softly as she barely made a dent in the glass so all her hard effort that ruined her right hoof was for naught.

She crippled herself which made my idea of what I was going to do a lot easier, but I definitely didn't want to kill her oh no, I wanted her for the long game, Crimp however I certainly wanted to kill off as soon as possible definitely before their heats hit, I have no doubt that if I let Crimp live past my internal due date, they'd go at each other and that would be a mercy.

"Floyd please!" Crimp's shrill cry tried to beg me to relinquish my desire to smash them into the fucking ground. How pitiful, even I didn't throw myself to the ground in such a weak display and I've tried everything in the book to try to escape.

I even selfishly came up with the plan to make Velvet fall in love with me, the plan backfired since she didn't seem any interest in romance however, on my quest to make her reconsider my entrapment, I was able to get closer to her brother, unknowingly opening the gates of new feelings and my flaming desires for her younger brother starting flooding my senses.

So i'm uniquely glad that she didn't fall for my dripping falsehoods because now I'm going to indulge my self on my newest addiction once I leave her to rot with her associates corpse.

Crimp's sniffling tap danced on my last frayed nerve as a snarl took over my features as I was practically on top of the two of them,

"don't dare you fucking cry!" I growled at the chocolate themed troll with my fist smashing against the glass as Crimp curled in upon herself as Velvet comforted her, now with a slanted perspective on their entanglement it almost made sense for Velvet to protect her little assistant. After all every puppet needed a puppeteer.

"Where's Veneer." Velvet looked into my eyes, her icy celeste pigmented eyes were dead in appearance but still held a tiny lit flame in them. Good I hope that flame burns hotter until she has the same magma hatred for me as I her. I hope that at the sight of me makes her guts twinge in fear along with her pupils dilating into slits as she curls away from me.

Plus She doesn't deserve to know that said brother of hers is right now sleeping in our bed after I've arguably given him the best orgasm of his life, so blissfully unaware of the horrors that I had planned for them.

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