23. A game for your life~ Veneer's pov

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I let Floyd snuggle into me, his nose tenderly laying in my throat as my oversized trench coat laid on top of him like a blanket, my left arm wrapped around his waist as a means to hold him to me.

I laid out the cards between the two of us, five each, Ritz leaning back in his seat, swallowing thickly as he couldn't meet my eyes after the encounter, his dick still hard after me and my husband's little tryst.

"Mmy mont ooo ake oo ma muc ape?." I looked at him, those violet eyes finally having the gall to look into mine as I sighed at his question,

"Because I don't want you to wake him up with all your pig like screeching." I glanced at him before I flipped over my first card, safe. I glanced back up at him, clutching my husband closer to me once I felt him shake due to the cold against his sweaty skin, poor baby.

I ran my fingers through his hair letting the damp tresses tangle themselves into my digits. My tail entangling with his as I've gotten used to my new appendage.

Ritz with an uncertain shakiness flipped over his first card, I rolled my eyes as he too got a safe card. The loud grateful breath he released was enough to make me grit my teeth at his irritating behavior. I nipped my husband's thin dark neck as he shifted in my arms, my irritated look melting at the cute little purr he released.

"I mont weem weease." I rolled my eyes flipping over my second card, getting up as soon as I revealed it was a safe. I carefully laid my husband in a comfortable position pushing the chair away from Ritz to a comfortable distance where if he made small noises it won't wake my darling up.

I strolled back over before ripping the tape away from his mouth, tears flooded as he silently screamed making little whimpers at the hot searing pain of having his peach fuzz caught on the tape. As he cooled down his tears renewed as he shifted in his chair.

"Veneer please, just let me go; I'll leave you alone and I'll-" I could feel my fuse becoming shorter as he plead and begged, my husband cooing in his new sleeping spot as he slept so serenely.

"Ritz your empty ass promises mean nothing to me. You see that man over there-" Ritz's eyes went over to Floyd before placing themselves back on me,

"That man is my everything, the end all be all to me, it just seemed like you just weren't getting the hint that I just didn't fucking want you, I kept trying to tell you but you were too fucking self absorbed." Ritz kept nodding along to my rant, reluctantly flipping his card to reveal another safe. I huffed as I could still see his eyes roaming my figure greedily taking in my outfit with the almost opened chest of my ruffled shirt. I could almost laugh at what a pathetic moron he was as he was just proving my point.

"And That's why I had to do this and send a cute little letter with some pictures to the executives at Bop on top." Ritz's eyes finally looked away from my body and searched my eyes for a clue what I meant. I smirked as now I have him exactly where I wanted him,

"You know Ritz, sometimes if you're too careless with a rose, you end up pricking your fingers on the thorns. " I turned my card around.. A joker. I laid the joker card between the two of us as Ritz miserably tried to keep himself calm as he bleated in distress. But regardless of his terror of his demise I kept going,

"I tried so hard to maintain our friendship but at what cost? Just for you to treat me like your chew toy that you can toss away when I'm no longer entertaining to you?" I flipped another card revealing a death card on my end, with a soft snort as I used my teeth to open the marker and marked the whiteboard next to me.

"So after you kissed me I drew the line and started stalking you and even did a little digging. You know Ritzy, you have an extremely ugly track record~" I just gave him a cold look that expressed my distaste towards his slimy behavior as my heart ached for the possible others that went through the same thing as I did, the only difference was I had more of a backing than they did.

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