Chapter 1

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Ella's point of View:

"Alright, Ella, is that everything?" The police officer asked me with a smile.

I nod slowly, glancing at my house for the last time.

I had mixed feelings.

My grandmother, my sole caregiver, was now gone.

The doctor said she was sick, but I had no clue.

She shielded me from it.

"Where am I going to stay?" I asked quietly, gazing at the ground.

I was uneasy around strangers; fear always lingered.

Grandma called it a sign of weakness, sharing tales of my deceased parents.

"We found a letter in your grandmother's room. She mentioned your cousin's house. They'll take care of you," the officer explained.

Frowning, I looked away. I didn't think I had cousins or any family, according to Grandma.

"Are you sure? Grandma never mentioned anyone to me," I questioned softly.

The officer's stern look made me retreat in fear.

I need to learn when to stop talking.

I've been homeschooled, and everything feels new and intimidating.

"Just get in, please," the officer mumbled, opening the car door.

Nodding, I grabbed my bag and Grandma's teddy bear.

Looking back at the house, I sighed, whispering goodbye to no one before entering the car.

As the door shut, I observed the officer walking to her side before getting in.

"All good?" she asked.

Nodding, I smiled down at my teddy, hoping everything would work out.

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