'Get the mustard into the soup. It tastes better that way.' He responds, which I follow word for word. 


Having come back from the mission, I enter Haesung Hospital, the patients being rolled through the lobby on beds with a bunch of IV packs hanging on the pole. I follow the staff pushing the bed with my eyes, the ER looking chaotic, unlike the last time I visited a few months ago when I first saw Dr. Han. 

I find Dr. Han in the distance, her shouting something at the other doctor, him running in the opposite direction to get something. She starts CPR on the patient, occasionally glancing up at the heart monitor in front of her. I watch her brows furrow seeing the graph flatline, the sweat beading on her forehead making her strands of hair stick. The other doctor takes over, Dr. Han taking a step back and wiping her forehead before the doctor who ran somewhere comes back, handing her a blood transfusion pack. She glances back at the heart monitor as the doctor shouts something back, going back to treat the patient on the bed. 

I make my way to the toilet, assuming that she would be taking some more time before coming out of the ER to go home. Just as I enter, I hear Director Han's voice sounding angry as he speaks to his secretary. 

'I want to know which one, not the fact that he's a special force soldier.' He yells as they both face away from me, the Director kicking the secretary's leg. 'You let him ruin my plan all that time, and you can't even work out who did.' The Director says furiously once more, the secretary only apologising quietly before lowering his head. 

'Everyone who went on the volunteering is refusing to speak so...' The secretary says, the Director angrily flapping a picture of the medical team and the peacekeepers in his face. I slowly get closer to the two, looking at the photo over their shoulder. 

'The one that ruined your plan?' I ask at their back, the both of them turning their face looking irritated. 

'Ya, wait.' The Director says as he stares at me for a few seconds, turning back to the photo. 

'This one.' I say, pointing at my face in the picture. I watch the Director's face turn red, now fully turning around to see me. 

'YA!' He shouts, pointing at me with his finger, his hand shaking a few times before he fumes while rubbing his face. 'You- you don't know-' He says, being unable to form his words properly from anger. 

'I should go. Dr. Han should be out by now.' I reply with a smile, the Director's face getting even redder. 

'You know how much money I spent-' He follows me out of the toilet, grabbing my arm and turning me around. 'I swear I will fight you- you're good at fist fights? Being in the special force or whatever-' He asks as he strides over closer to me, the secretary quietly whispering at him that people were watching. The secretary finally takes the Director away from me, leaving me alone by the reception. 

Just as I thought I would have some peace waiting for Dr. Han, I see another female doctor wandering around in the lobby before her eyes perk up spotting me. I look away as she comes closer, only to have her make her way toward me without getting my message. 

'Are you waiting for someone?' She asks, her smiling as I turn to face her while she touches her hair. 

'I'm waiting for Dr. Han.' I reply, hoping that she leaves me alone before Dr. Han finds me. I awkwardly watch her show off her eyelashes, moving her hair to one side, glancing back at Dr. Han telling off someone in the distance. 

'Oh, so you must be the soldier boyfriend. I'm Kim Eunji in the thoracic department. Nice to meet you.' She says, holding her hand out. 

'Nice to meet you too.' I only awkwardly bow my head once, Dr. Kim smiling sourly as she puts her hand back away. 

[DOTS Y/n x Shi Jin] Always Beside YouWhere stories live. Discover now