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"I may not have known how to love you then, but I've spent every day since regretting the moments I lost with you."

Itachi swiftly moved to avoid Kabuto's attack, and at that moment, the Izanami's effect became evident. It was reflected in the gradual change of Itachi's Sharingan eye to a pale hue and the sudden collapse of Kabuto, unconscious while still standing. "When did you cast it?" Sasuke asked, deactivating his Susanoo, unable to recall Itachi using Izanami.

 "When did you cast it?" Sasuke asked, deactivating his Susanoo, unable to recall Itachi using Izanami

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"The first time Kabuto stabbed me with that blade," Itachi replied. As he explained the mechanics of the jutsu to Sasuke, Naomi cautiously approached Kabuto's motionless form. Itachi, sensing her proximity, swiftly grabbed her hand. "Naomi, stay back. I'm going to stop the reincarnation jutsu now," he instructed, releasing her hand and closing the gap with Kabuto, removing his glasses.

Naomi nodded, stepping away to give Itachi the space he needed. "And with that, the reincarnated dead will fade away. That would end the war," Itachi stated, the gravity of his words hanging heavily in the air. Sasuke felt a pang of pain, unprepared to face the prospect of losing his brother once again.

"But... you'll be gone too, brother," Sasuke said, and for the first time, sincerity and longing colored his voice instead of the hatred that had consumed his thoughts about his brother. Naomi, too, felt the pain as her mind drifted not only to Itachi but also to her mentor, Deidara. She had developed an attachment to Itachi through her understanding of Sasuke's sorrows, and it pained her heart to lose not only one but multiple people. However, she knew it had to be done.

"I've once again protected my village as Itachi Uchiha of the Leaf Village. I have no more regrets," Itachi affirmed, glancing back to meet his brother's gaze.

"Why?" Sasuke shouted in despair. "Why help the village that put you in this situation? You may find forgiveness, but I cannot!"

Naomi felt a profound sadness hearing Sasuke's words. She had been in his very state once, but with guidance from those around her, she managed to escape the darkness that threatened to consume her. Understanding Sasuke's struggle and the depth of his emotions, Naomi chose not to intervene in their siblings' affair. It was a matter they needed to resolve themselves, and Naomi recognized that it wasn't a place for her interference.

"I may not be the one who can change you, Sasuke, but I can stop this jutsu. At least that will fulfill my promise to Naruto," Itachi stated as he covered Kabuto's eye with his hand. Naomi and Sasuke's eyes widened at the mention of Naruto. Both were perplexed about the promise Itachi had made to Naruto and how their paths would cross for such an interaction.

Itachi proceeded to open Kabuto's eye with his hand and applied his Tsukuyomi. He took control of Kabuto's body, deactivating the reincarnation jutsu, leaving Sasuke and Naomi only able to watch. The unfolding hand seals etched a tense atmosphere in the air, and Sasuke, clenching his teeth, made the decision to deactivate his Sharingan.

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