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*trigger warning*
Sexual Assault

Naomi, where the hell are you? Kakashi thought, his worry evident in his demeanor.

Kakashi decided to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu to expedite his search. He leapt from rooftop to rooftop, scouring the area for any sign of her. Several hours passed, and as dawn approached, Kakashi still hadn't found Naomi. He reluctantly decided to return to Tazuna's house, knowing that he also needed to prepare the young ninjas for a potential attack.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto exclaimed upon seeing Kakashi's return, the group quickly gathering around their sensei. However, the absence of Naomi by Kakashi's side caused both Naruto and Sasuke to frown.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't able to bring her back. There's not even a single clue or track. It's like she never came to this village," Kakashi explained apologetically, his face reflecting his concern and weariness.

Naruto's fury was palpable. He needed time alone to calm down, so he decided to search for Naomi by himself. Kakashi's expression darkened as he pinched the bridge of his nose, frustration evident on his face. Meanwhile, Sasuke remained silent, a storm of anger brewing within him. He had several suspects in mind regarding Naomi's disappearance, and he hoped that following Kakashi's plan would lead him to the answers he sought.

"What is our next move, sensei? We have now lost the twins. Should we really proceed with the plan?" Sakura asked Kakashi, voicing her concern about the viability of the mission given their current situation.

"We will proceed with the plan," Sasuke responded quickly, surprising Sakura with his assertiveness. She couldn't help but wonder, Did he truly care about Naomi, or was she merely a pawn in his mind? Confusion clouded her thoughts as she tried to make sense of Sasuke's sudden eagerness to continue the mission, rather than joining Naruto in searching for Naomi.

Kakashi nodded, aligning with Sasuke's decision. "Whatever happened, we still need to protect each other from their attack. For now, we will proceed with the plan, just like Sasuke said," Kakashi announced firmly.

The remaining group then escorted Tazuna to the bridge. However, as they made their way to the middle of the bridge, a thick mist suddenly enveloped them, obscuring their vision. "Sasuke! Sakura! They are coming!" Kakashi's voice rang out, instantly alerting both young ninja. The group quickly formed a protective barrier around Tazuna, closing ranks to eliminate any potential gaps that the enemy could exploit to infiltrate their circle.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Kakashi," Zabuza's voice echoed from within the thick mist. His presence remained hidden, concealed by the fog. "I see you've got those brats with you, as always. He's still trembling. Poor thing." Suddenly, seven of Zabuza's clones materialized, encircling the group.

Sasuke smirked at Zabuza's remarks. "I'm trembling with... excitement and anger," he retorted with cocky confidence. Without wasting a moment, Sasuke swiftly dispatched all of Zabuza's clones, his attack executed in a blink of an eye. He finished his move with a piercing glare aimed directly at the real Zabuza.

"Well, well, it seems that my prediction was right. No matter how you look at him, he's got to be a comrade of Zabuza," Kakashi said proudly, confirming his deduction. "How dare he show up like that after what he did!" Sakura seethed with hatred.

"I'll do it," Sasuke declared, never once breaking his gaze from Zabuza. Sakura stared at Sasuke with amazement, her admiration for him clear. "Sasuke! You're so cool!" she gushed, falling into her fangirl mode.

"Tell me, are you the one who took Naomi away!" Sasuke shouted, directing his question at both Zabuza and Haku. However, neither of them responded to Sasuke's inquiry; instead, they continued to exchange whispers with each other. Sasuke's frustration grew, but before he could take further action, Haku suddenly spun around, creating a swirling tornado in the process. Sasuke's smile widened as he anticipated Haku's move, and he deftly blocked the attack with a kunai.

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