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The professor is going on and on about something, but Taehyung's mind just drifts away to a whole different world. He was physically there, but mentally, he's off on some adventure or lost in his own thoughts. It's like he was nodding along, but not really absorbing anything the professor is saying.

While his mind was focused and eyes both were focused on the entrance door waiting for you to come and sat beside him. It's been two days and you're still not attending the college.

He missed you.


He was hella worried for you.

What if your stepfather did something to you?

But no, now your mother knows everything, he won't do anything else.

Yesterday he tried to call your land number because still your phone was still switched off. A maid answered the call and she told him that you're still sick and your mother is taking care of you.

He wanted to see you and decided to come to meet you but then he decided not to, because friends usually don't come to house and he doesn't want to create any problem for you.

You will be fine.

He calms himself down from his all negative thoughts for you

For his friend that you will comeback soon.

But then he realise, it's more. Unknowingly, a small smile appeared on his face thinking about you. It's like a every little thing reminds him of you and he wish badly you were there with him, like before. It's like a mix happiness and longing, and overwhelming.

He doesn't know in these two days, he realised his feelings for you. And with each passing second, has grown into deeper valley of his heart. Everyday he opened his eyes in the morning just only to see you and feel your warmth. It's like a rollercoaster of emotions and he can't help but feel a little vulnerable but exciting at the same time.

He likes this warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. Every thought of your makes him feel like he's floating in air but at the same time, there's ache in his heart, thinking about what if he proposes to you and you rejects him.

His heart is pounding in his chest, and every time he thinks about telling you how he feels, his mind starts racing with all the

"what ifs."

What if you didn't feel the same way?

What if it ruins their friendship?

He has mix of excitement and fear, and it's hard for him to shake off the nerves. It's like he's standing on the edge of a cliff, unsure if he should take that leap or not.

At the same time, he's filled with hope and anticipation, imagining how amazing it could be if you feels the same way. But then, there's this nagging fear that things might not go as he wants to plan, and that rejection would just shatter him. It's like he's teetering on the edge of a huge decision, and the uncertainty is eating him up inside.

He respects your feelings and he won't force you accept him. If you rejects him, he would feel broken and try to move on because the relationship of friendship will always remain.

His chains of thoughts broke into peices when professor calls him and asked him to pay attention in the class. He apologized and tried to concentrate on his lecture but still your thoughts are running inside his mind and heart.


Sitting in a spacious, well-lit office room with a panoramic view of the city. With determination in his expression jungkook leans forward, taking in every word with intense focus. The way his brow furrows and his eyes narrow shows just how seriously he's taking the conversation from the man sitting infront of him. It's like the whole room is filled with his unwavering attention, and room could feel the weight of his presence in the air.

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