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Jungkook gave you a long peck and caressed your head before cupping your face he said " only focus on your studies ...hm" 

You looked at him and passed a small smile before humming back. You opened the car door and stepped out before walking towards the college entrance. Jungkook looked at your back till you get disappeared in the college campus. 

His phone rang gaining attention, he looked at the caller ID before picking up. He listened to the other person words and said 

" Coming in few minutes"

He ended the call and started the engine before driving away. 


You entered your classroom and a small smile appeared on your face which was completely invisible looking at none other than taehyung. He was focused in his book while you gazed at him standing at the classroom door tilting your head. 

Many things roaming inside your mind related to yesterday's incident. He was the guy who called you his girlfriend in front of jungkook. No one has ever approached you because of your cold and rude behaviour but this guy claimed you as his girlfriend. 

He's different from everyone. 

Your eyes shines as he was the one who angered jungkook and later bursted on you while you enjoyed every bit of it. Because of him you got a chance to get taste of jungkook and you can still feel him between your legs teasing your clit with his cock. He always restrained himself not to cross his limits till you turned eighteen but yesterday he forgot his all words. 

But again you can't change the reality that he's your mother's husband. Whenever you feel like jungkook is yours, then your mother's words started ringing inside your mind.

You should accept the reality and focus on yourself and find someone who will never leave you in your life. 

Or you already found one. You stepped forward with your cold face and walked towards your seat before sitting beside taehyung. He looked up and closed his book and held your hands before asking

" You okay..." 

Tingling sensation erupted inside your body as he was looking worried about you. You admired his features with your doe blue eyes and nodded a little while he was about to say something but the professor interrupted started the class. He shifted his eyes to the board and saved everything for later.

After the class, students rushed outside leaving you and taehyung alone. You took your bag and about to stand up but he again he held your hands and said

" I hope your step father hasn't done anything to you..." He said and your gaze turned into glare. 

How dare he called jungkook as your father? ......you thought.

" I know i shouldn't interfere in your family matter but..i was worried about you" the glare you passed him minute ago again turned into a soft one while he continue " are you okay...yn" 

How beautiful your name sounds when he calls you. Butterflies twitched in your stomach while he was caressing your hands with his soft thumb. 

Eyes never lied as it was clearly visible in his black ones, how much he was worried. You hugged him tightly while he got shocked at your sudden action. His hands were in air while you closed your eyes and inhale his soft aroma, a smile appeared on your face as he wrapped his arms around you before caressing your back.

" You okay ..yn" he softly muttered while shook your head on his shoulder and said

" No, I'm not...." His brows furrowed and broke the hug when he heard your little sobs. He looked at your face as tears were dripping down to cheeks

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