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" Are you sure about this?" eliz asked while the person infront of her pecked her lips and nodded.

" One thousand percent" he smirk while she hugged him tightly and stood up before leaving the house but her steps halted when the person spoke

" Give yn baby..my best wishes for her birthday" he smiled more like smirk while she chuckled and winked at the person before leaving.


Jungkook opened the main door of the mansion and walked inside while talking on the phone. He dropped his belongings on the sofa and sat on it 

" Call me back if anything happens again like that " 

The other person said something and cutted the call. He dropped his phone to his side and rubbed his temples and rested his head back before closing his eyes for a few minutes as he was too tired out of work. 

His features were calm and serene but soon the valley of his eyes deepen as he felt weight on his right lap. He inhaled the fragrance and shook his head mentally as the fragrance didn't belongs to his princess. He opened his eyes and raised his brow as he saw eliz was sitting on his lap. 

She smiled at him while he said in annoyance " what?" 

She grazed his jawline with his fingers and said " you look so tired...honey" 

" Yeah, i am...get up" he pushed her lightly as he was not in the mood of arguing with her.

 He again closed his eyes and rested his head but soon he snapped opened his eyes and jerked her hand as she was unbuttoning his shirt. 

" What the hell are you doing?" He said in anger and pushed her down from his lap. 

She hissed in pain as she was landed on her butt and looked at him with seriousness " why in the hell can't I touch you?" Her voice came out in a little bit anger while he rolled his eyes at her.

" Stop it jungkook...just stop it" she stood up in huff " it has been eight years since we got married but till date you have not allowed me to come close to you.." 

He glared at her while she continues " what is your compulsion that you don't let me come near you?" 

" Because i don't consider you as my wife." He yelled getting up from the sofa and walked away from her while she hold his wrist and made him look at her "Then why did you marry me? Why did you wander in front of me eight years ago? " 

He closed his eyes as he was getting frustrated by her talks. She should be grateful to him that he's not doing anything to her as If he wants he would shut her mouth in a snap but he was in no mood to do that. 

He opened his dark orbs and glared at her " what do you want?" 

" I just wants to know where your love has gone just after our marriage...or you just married me for the money " she asked finally while he raised his brow in amusement and smirked at her bravery.

She asked the same question on their wedding night when he refused to make love with her and treated her badly. After that she never had guts to ask him the same question again but she did, she asked him again. 

Looking at his amused expressions and smirk she got the reminder of her wedding night. Her serious and angered features turned into scared one as she saw him unbuckling his belt. Her eyes widened and stepped back while he walked towards her with his predatory steps. 

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