"Yeah, we did! 'cause Benson got all rulesy!" Rigby said. "We had no choice. It was either leave or live with some other dude with rules." Mordecai said. "Wow, Mordecai! I didn't know you were such a rebel." She replied. " Yep. You know me. Total rebel." They both laugh. "Well, good night." She almost closes door, but (Y/n) stops the action with her foot. "Actually, we don't have anywhere to sleep, so we were hoping you would let us camp out here tonight." She said. "I wish I could, but, my manager has a rule about that kind of thing." Margaret said. A guy in white shirt sticks a paper to the window that reads, "get lost campers" "Sorry, guys." She said. "It's cool. I'm sure we can find some place to crash that isn't so big on rules. Later!" Mordecai said.

The trio walk off, and go to the Awesome Dynamite. The guy carrying a clipboard lets two couples in, but when the trio walk up, he stops them in their path, then turns his clipboard around to show "No losers." Next up is Al's Convienience Market. The trio have their sleeping bags on the floor before Al walks up and points to a sign reading, "No hanging out." They pick up their sleeping bags and walk off. Finally, they stop at a bench and try to sleep before a shirtless man comes up to point at a tattoo reading "Günther," then he points to the bench, which is revealed to also read

"Günther," then, he sticks up a baseball bat, also reading "Günther." Günther chases the trio before he stops at an alley, twirls his bat and walks off. The trio then pop their heads out from behind the garbage. "Dudes, this is getting intense." Mordecai said. "Yeah, who know literally every place had such dumb rules?!" (Y/n) asked in frustration. Rigby moans. "No! More! RUUUUULES!" An earthquake starts, followed by a gust and a mysterious laugh. "Who was that?" (Y/n) asked nervously. "Did somebody say..." a man comes out from the shadows. "...rules?" He asked. "Oh, great. Who are you, the alley rules guy?" Rigby asked.

"Who am I? I'm whoever I want to be. Wanna know why? 'cause I don't believe in rules that tell me otherwise." The man said. "Whoa." Mordecai said. "That's pretty cool." Rigby said. "Yeah dude." (Y/n) said. "You better believe it's pretty cool. So what's your guys' story? You all free to do whatever you want?" The man asked. "We wish." Mordecai said. "Yeah, we have this lame boss Benson that tells us to-" Rigby began. "Boss? What's that?" The man asked, and (Y/n) blinked. "You're kidding. He's kidding, right?" She asked, and her best friends shrug.

"Yes, I know what a boss is. I was just making a point. Bosses are nothing but fools with rules." The man said. "Oh yeah, rules for fools." Rigby said. "That's right! It makes so much sense in rhymes." No Rules Man said. "Whoa, that's crazy!" Rigby said. "You guys seem pretty cool, so I'll let you in on a little secret." He whispers. "I know of a place where rules don't exist." "Oh yeah? Which place is that? Cloud Cuckoo Land?" (Y/n) asked sarcastically, and Rigby snickers. "Shhhhhhhhhhhh." He signals the trio to follow him as he backs up to a box filled with garbage bags. He almost jumps in before... "A box of trash? Are you joking?" (Y/n) asked. "Do I look like I'm joking?" He jumps in. "Uh, I don't know about this, dudes." Mordecai said. "Well, I practically sleep in a pile of garbage at home anyways, so this isn't really that different for me."

Rigby walks up to the box and jumps in. Mordecai and (Y/n) follow, but scream as they fall through the unexpectedly deep hole. They scream again as they reach the bottom of the hole and fall to the earth. Rigby and the No Rules Man are playing a video game as the duo fall on the table, and see a game of rock-paper-scissors in progress. "Sweet!" (Y/n) looks over and sees a punchie parade, and then notices Rigby and the No Rules Man are playing Karate Choppers. "WHOAAAAA! Double death combo!" The two shouted. "Aw, you guys have Karate Choppers down here?"

Mordecai walks up to the couch and sits, feet on the floor, and (Y/n) does the same. "Go ahead. Put your feet up." No Rules Man said. "Aw, yeah-yuh!" Mordecai does so. "Can we get next game?" He asked. "No need, bro." A controller appears right in Mordecai's and (Y/n)'s hands. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and the No Rules Man are now playing four-player mode. "Three-player Karate Choppers!" The trio said. They pick up pizza and high-five each other with the pizzas. "Oh, yeah-yuh!" They said. "Rockin'." The man's phone is ringing. "Would you mind getting that?" He asked.

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