Chapter 31

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Six months ago, Lingfeng Technology's purification piles were finally fully installed at the eastern base and officially started operation.

The year-round smog has plagued mankind for too long. Even if you wear a protective mask, many jobs still require you to work outdoors, causing lung and respiratory diseases to become high-risk diseases.

Humanity has been waiting for this day for too long.

Since the air that needs to be purified is the entire base, the coverage is huge, and the difficulty of achieving it is more than one level higher than indoors. There are very precise requirements for installation distance, height, and density, and any deviation can be a thousand miles away.

So it takes a lot of time from release to official launch.

There is also a process required from activation to initial results.

The installation of purification piles is carried out in an orderly manner every day, but due to the relatively large impact of the press conference, many people thought that they would see great improvements in a short period of time when they saw the brand of Lingfeng Technology.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

During the somewhat lengthy installation process, many people lost their patience while waiting, and inevitably began to murmur in their hearts.

The official announcement finally came out announcing that the purification piles had been officially launched. However, one or two days later, the smog in the city still showed no signs of improvement, and public opinion on the Internet gradually began to emerge.

At that time, Wen Ling was already in the third trimester of pregnancy, and matters in the company were mainly handled by senior executives and Xiong Qi.

After asking Shen Lin for his opinion, Shen Lin's answer was very simple and clear: no matter.

Therefore, Lingfeng Technology did not respond at that time.

Just when the masses gradually couldn't sit still in the face of such cold treatment, and netizens became more and more excited day by day, the haze began to dissipate silently over time, and the visibility gradually increased from 50 meters at the beginning to 70 meters, 100 meters, until finally it completely disappeared without a trace.

Finally waiting for this day under the spotlight, countless people in the eastern base cried with joy, spontaneously took off their masks and ran in groups on the sidewalk to cheer.

During this period, Lingfeng Technology has been repeatedly reminding everyone not to take off protective masks before officially issuing notices.

Although the smog has dissipated, the tiny viruses in the air have not been completely cleaned out and require comprehensive sterilization.

One and a half months after the purification pile was fully activated, Lingfeng Technology finally issued an announcement announcing that protective masks can be removed.

Fifteen years have passed, and humans have finally returned to outdoor life again.

Although it is limited to the human base, this is a very good start. Everyone believes that as long as local purification can be achieved, it will only be a matter of time before it can be covered on a large scale or even on a global scale.

In this regard, Lingfeng Technology still has not given any reply.

After the smog dissipated, the speed limit of urban traffic was increased, making daily travel more efficient and reducing the frequency of car accidents.

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