Chapter 30

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The baby dolphin finally had a name, and even Yue Xiongqi and others who watched him grow up were very happy.

The name sounds a bit random, but the parents don't have any objections, and the others have nothing to say. What's more, using Shen Lin's surname plus "one", which is the same number as Wen Ling's "zero", also echoes, and it is obvious at a glance that they are father and son.

Shen Yiyi obviously likes his name very much. No matter who calls him, he will respond by calling it.

After becoming a human, Wen Ling's communication and movement became more convenient, but he soon discovered something rather distressing.

Baby dolphins are still small and need constant supervision and care.

He not only wanted to take good care of the baby, but also wanted to spend more time with Shen Lin. But Bao Bao lives in the water, and Shen Lin lives on land. Although they can adapt to each other's living environment, it won't last long, and they will inevitably face a situation where they will lose sight of the other.

Should I spend more time transforming into a dolphin and return to the water to accompany the baby or become a human being to accompany my husband? This became the biggest problem.

Fortunately, Shen Lin did not let this problem bother Wen Ling for too long.

He first asked Wen Ling's opinion. After learning that Wen Ling wanted to live as a human being, he went to talk to Bao Bao. After getting approval from both parties, he immediately customized a large fish tank and installed it in the bedroom next to the swimming pool.

Let the baby play in the swimming pool normally during the day, and he and Wen Ling will accompany him together.

At night, when Wen Ling needed to rest, he took the baby to the fish tank in the bedroom.

In this way, the family of three can stay together all the time, and the baby will not be affected by the noisy noise in the water because the two fathers have not been seen for a long time, which will affect Wen Ling's rest.

At first, Wen Ling was worried that the baby would not be able to stay in a relatively smaller fish tank after playing in the swimming pool for a long time.

But the first night of preliminary testing was an unexpected success.

Perhaps it is because the pheromones of the mist sea breeze and sea salt will reach the highest concentration in the same room, providing comfortable conditions that cannot be enjoyed in the swimming pool. Shen Yi, a child, was very cooperative. When the two fathers were resting I played quietly in the bathtub without making any noise all night long.

In this rhythm where everyone is happy, life is happy and contented.

Wen Ling thought so at first, but soon he discovered that something was not quite right.

At this moment, he and his husband were lying on the bed side by side watching a romantic movie.

At the end of the movie, the male and female protagonists finally kissed each other sweetly amidst the bright fireworks after going through thousands of sails, making them inseparable.

As Alpha and Omega with normal development, he and Mr. Shen have already given birth to children but have not yet kissed each other while they were fully awake. The progress of their relationship is as pure as first love. After a two-hour movie, the emotions and atmosphere have been advanced, and it is normal to feel a little nervous.

But just when he and Shen Lin held hands greenly under the quilt, turned their heads in unison and faced each other, their hearts beating faster, getting closer and closer.

After a flash marriage and raising a cub with a top AlphaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu