PART 2: SEOUL - Chapter 28

Start from the beginning

'Why?' He asks, his fingers brushing away your loose strands of hair blowing in the wind. 

'I had my overnight surgery earlier that day so I hadn't slept at all. And then Private Kim came in with a bunch of plushies and whining. Then you and Sergeant Seo came in dressed like a gang member and demanded the phone that clearly did not look like yours.' You say honestly, Captain Yoo's mouth gaping open. 

'And now? I'm still annoying?' He asks, even though you see his lips pulling into a smile.

'Sometimes. When you insist that I confessed to you in my will.' You reply, Captain Yoo jokingly making an offended expression. 

'But the meaning of your will was that. Or at least the one you gave after the whole incident.' He says, and you let it go enjoying his warmth.

'Now that I'm about to go back, I'm excited to see Han Seok Won's face when I show up alive.' You say, Captain Yoo's expression faltering just a little. 

'Now, while I'm still here waiting for my peacekeeping period to end, don't do anything dangerous. I won't be there to keep you safe when you get into trouble.' He says, and you nod. 

'I'm going to lay low for a bit. But I can't promise anything.' You reply, Captain Yoo considering your words for a few seconds.

'Then let me know whenever you're about to do something dangerous. Like a code word.' He suggests, and you feel the corner of your lips arch up once more. 'When you say you're going to a department store, I'll take that as standby. In case you need me to come save you.' He says, to which you nod.

'I will be building a big, fat department store of my own. Filled with expensive things to bring them down to hell.' You say, Captain Yoo watching you silently. 

'And more importantly, don't go falling for other guys. Wait for me.' He says suddenly, and you respond with a smile before you feel his lips pressing down onto yours once more. 


'Iya, I'm going to miss this view.' Nurse Ha says, watching the soldiers run laps for the last time as you get ready to return to Korea today. 

'I know. I wish I could film it and play it on the big screen every morning.' Mo Yeon says, ignoring you giving her a look. 

'I told you not to go falling for other guys but then you're already looking at other men?' You look up, finding Captain Yoo blocking your view. Before you reply, the siren goes off, a memorial for everyone who passed in the earthquake. Everyone stands to face the Korean flag, looking towards the white flag with red, blue, and black together. 

Despite everything, medical volunteering was over. 


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