Alexia Putellas x Character (22)

Start from the beginning

Alexia put her out of her misery. "But yes, I do want to be your friend. I'd like that."

They were talking about actual friendship now, nothing else, and Ridley's responding smile was everything to her.

"I'll do that," Ridley insisted. The waiter stepped aside as she pushed Alexia's seat in and moved to sit opposite her.

He gave them their menus, read out the specials, and then left them.

"You look surprised.."

"I've never been here before," she murmured as she looked around. "Lucy has good taste."

Lucy had originally made the booking a while ago, intending on taking Blau when she planned on spending a night in London. Then the accident had happened and although they could have gone, Blau felt more comfortable at home until she could walk.

"Well she does eat a lot."

"Ain't that the truth."

There was something stress-free about talking in Spanish around people who most likely couldn't understand them. They received a few looks and in an even amount as Alexia was well-known and Ridley was... Ridley.

"What are you thinking?"

"The chicken piccata. And you?"

"Beef Wellington."

"Hm, that sounded nice."

"Would you like to share?"

Alexia caught her eye. It was a genuine request. "I'd like that."

The waiter came over at Ridley's gesture and took their order and left.

"I have a request."


"I want you to let me pay you back for the physio."

"Ah. Request denied."







"Lee!" She had no idea where it came from, but it certainly got her attention. Ridley tilted her head, her eyes wondrous. A few seconds of silence fell.

"Say it again," she murmured, her eyes on her lips.

Alexia took a breath. "Lee."

She saw her pupils dilate. Was she not used to nicknames? Riddles. Romeo.

"Lex and Lee, hm? And your accent makes it much cuter."

She struggled to not respond to the flirting. "Let me pay you back please?"


"You can pay for that, or you can pay for dinner, but you're not doing both."

"Watch me."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're annoying?"

"It's not a regular occurrence..."

"You're annoying."

"I think you mean 'chivalrous'."

Alexia was fighting a losing battle against a brick wall, but she could be sneaky as well. "Argh. I need to go to the bathroom."

"Don't get lost now."

She rolled her eyes and when she was out of sight, she bee-lined for the cashier and gave them her credit card for the table, insisting they use it for their meal. She left it there and headed to the bathroom so it wouldn't be so obvious before going back to the table.

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