Chapter 1

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Anaya's POV
I was over with toxic and controlling bastards that kept trying to control my damn life. I'm 30 years old and all I want is to escape and be happy. Moving to Pensacola seems like the best way to start.

After spending the last five years with my boyfriend Trevor with mental, physical abuse and toxicity, I was finally free and able to let go of everything that happened. I focused on my body and seek therapy for about 6 months and was able to get a bonus and raised from my corporate job.

I've been saving for this day as I was able to fly to my new home in Pensacola.

I use to live in Pensacola when I was a kid. I build up so many memories, friendships, and first love experiences here. This was my home and I'm glad to be back home. I can probably now visit some of my  college friends again.

I know they will be happy to know that I moved back home from LA. Los Angeles was a great place to live but it was never gonna be home. I only moved there because my ex boyfriend lived there and he wanted me to move in with him after college and that surely was a big mistake as I was so miserable there.

Five years wasted on a man I thought loved me but only to treat me like shit and made me feel horrible about myself. I never want to go through that again.

I was pulling up in my Tesla as I parked just on the side of the road. The uhaul truck company was here unloading my things into my new house. I bought a two story home with an amazing lot with four bedrooms and two and half bathrooms.

It was a modern day home but it was perfect with some newly renovation features to keep it luxurious for my taste. I was lucky to find this beautiful home on the market and I wasted no time buying it for myself.

Sure, I don't need a four bedroom house but one day I would like to start a family for myself and find a man to be my husband when the time comes. No matter what, I will have this house and I would spend the rest of my life in it.

After spending all day and the sunset was going down, the uhaul truck company left and all was left was a few boxes that wasn't unpacked yet on my bedroom floor. I crotched down on my knees and opened it and unwrapped so pictures of my back in high school Jonathan and Joshua but now they are Jimmy and Jey because of WWE.

Man I miss those boys but I know they are doing bigger things now. I smiled but then I frowned as I looked at Jey as I remembered our fallout and our friendship was ruined because my mistake. I kissed Jimmy after I promised Jey I wouldn't dare none of his brothers. He didn't want to loose me as I was his best friend and we practically grew up together.

It was us against the world and we promised we wouldn't hurt each other and I wouldn't date any of his brothers because he didn't want me to get hurt and Jimmy had a girlfriend back in highschool but I always had a crush on Jimmy as he was funnier and everyone's favorite guy. I guess I was one of the girls that couldn't help and resist the charm of Jimmy.

It was no secret that Jimmy was my favorite but Jey was my best friend that always been with me.

I loved the both but I always loved the other one more and I ended up betraying my friendship with Jey. I would never forget the day he called me out and told me to my face that I was a betrayer and I made him look stupid and I fooled him after all these years that I promised.

And he was right.

I stood up as I decided to frame our graduation picture on my wall despite the fall out. It was still the best day of my life.

I walked to the window and was about to close it until I saw a familiar back side just outside my neighbors window with the dimmed but still bright lights on. The art of the back tattoo was so familiar that I knew only Samoans can have and I spent all my life with Samoans to know this fact.

He was naked as his exposed butt was shown as my face went into shock. Not being able to look away, I saw a light skinned skinny girl wrapped around his waist as body jerked up and her face planted at the window with her face all smudged up into the glass.

My mouth dropped as I couldn't believe what I was witnessing.

The guy turned her around again to show his perfectly tattoo on his back as I saw him roughly push the girl back into the mirror until he was now facing the same direction as her. Her arms were planted on the glass as I watched him kiss all over her neck as he firmly grabbed her small boobs in his large hands.

His eyes glanced up as he spotted me and that was when my mind went into shock.

It was Jey all along fucking this skinny light skinned girl by the window. He smirked as he winked at me through the window and I saw him getting ready to pound this girl out her mind.

I instantly close my window fast and decided not to watch anymore.

My heart was racing and I couldn't believe it. My next door neighbor was Jey and he still lives in Pensacola after all these years?

"What the actual fuck was that?" I asked myself as I still can't believe that was Jey Uso.

My high school best friend after all these years.

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