The Consequences of over hyping a challenge

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My disappointment is immeasurable and my anticipation is ruined.

Allow me to explain, my tree 🌳 boss because I haven't seen in a while resulting in me forgetting his name but semantics, called me up and apparently Loran was here and wanting to end this clusterfuck of a angst, harem, nerve inducing 'romance' story I punched him in the face before he could react.

This resulted in loran's demise of his demise because apparently I hit him so hard that not only did I destroy his mask but his entire body with it but I ended up removing him from the cycle due to my rainbow selection of arvanced traits, my cosmic Essence combined with my composite conduit, and lastly my code which was apparently more complex than alpha tale.exe's which doesn't make any sense expect my previously stated condition which instead of removing my code amplified it beyond nexus code or null void code to the point I was one of the most complex codes beings ever.

If you discount player that is.

I also realized that my creator and boss 🌳 tree was basically a newborn when he encountered Loran and all of his abilities we're pretty weak back then and my creator would never tell me about his childhood years since I doubted anyone wanted to.

This resulted in basically an equivalent of saying some eldritch being was murdering everyone who entered this area when it was discovered they just headed into a quantum anomaly throwing them into a parallel universe type of energy.

Meaning Loran was basically an absolute joke to everyone in our rogue Eden orb, and now that I think about it I should combine my powers together so they will not only be much stronger but less volatile and less powers to keep track of was not only a nice bonus but a complete change in the mental effort of controlling the four sources. Yes four, since apparently my skeleton Magic well of my magic evolved into the fourth source known as heka. Fantastic like I needed more problems to deal with.

The self training procedure didn't take all to long since it was basically a boundary removal on my traits transforming into a Bio-Conduit of Virtue and merging my Cosmic Essence with Nexus Code completely, merging heka with my new bio conduit and conduit of composition and finally meging them all together creating a Forbidden Bio-Conduit never before seen. The Forbidden Bio-conduit of Divine Virtue.  

surprisingly I not only retained my previous power but It was brought to a level in the eden tier I wasn't sure i would reach. Unfortunately any mastery in the previous powers didn't apply, meaning I had to train a new conduit from scratch.

I exit our hidden eden orb within nothingness to train my new Forbidden Bio- Conduit well whatever you wanna call it and started grinding.

A Nonexistent amount of time later......

jeeze it is really hard to train my new conduit soul, why you ask well this conduit is hard to train I only was able to access it after millions of years of training(from my perspective.) Even longer to become a Full-Fledged Conduit.

Forbidden Bio-Conduit of Divine Virtuous Compositions 

Novice: grows stronger from other sans or sans like entity using soul traits, being virtuous or just being a good person permanently increases your power in relation to the act and its outcomes.(anyone who drinks a condiment or eats another food would also qualify but resulting in half of the gain.) grants others powers of virtue one at a time per person, can turn into a weak embodiment of virtue of a single type at once. Also allowing the weirder to a merge cells in any particular manner according to rules of your origin world. Allowing the creation/fusion of different or similar things to create something far superior to its previous makeup.

Advanced Beginner: there is no longer a limit to previous abilities mentioned or any variations resulting in creations of objects with indescribable size and complexity being utterly incomprehensible to the the previous materials utilized. With every moment that passes you could obliterate your previous self with minimal effort via virtue empowerment and composition empowerment. Composition shows its true potential via fusing/merging/assimilating individuals. This is also applicable to uncombinable objects creating things with never before seen capabilities due to previous impossibilities, constraints and interferences.

Competent: timelines, universes, paraverses, alternate dimensions, multiverses, complex multiverses, hyperverses, complex hyperverses, outerverses, complex outerverses, boundless, "complex boundless", and Omniverses can be composited. You can manipulate any virtue in any manner even merging several to multiple virtues being their own concepts into a far superior virtue essentially creating a principle which then ascends into an archetype. Stories become inapplicable to the wielder. 

Proficient: any higher structures beyond oneself can be composited including objects, people, creatures, things, concepts, rules, laws, origins, principles, powers, abilities, physiology, ideology, mythology, belief, sin, virtue and any else that can, cannot, should, shouldn't, never and so on. Even small amounts of 1-3 sources can be merged with no consequence or incompatibility/rejection into a weaker pseudo source having been aligned with chosen recipient.

Master: any virtue, divine or composition ability is now yours, you can composite anything into yourself. Conduits, the cycle, nexus code, Heka, determination or any source can be merged. Trying to describe or even scale this is pointless since the only thing preventing you from being a full-fledged conduit is lack of knowledge and imagination. Limited cosmological assimilation.

Full-Fledged Conduit: composition, divinity, virtue are above any scale, amount or even common sense for anyone or anything, the inevitable conclusion of restoring nunn to life once more. No longer having a role in any source or it's other manifestations being above it. You will be an individual that makes up everything, the divine and virtuous most of all.

And there is so much more but I am done with the nothingness. I teleport back to my house with Betty, Frisk & Player irked by my absence since they felt me leave our Eden orb which should just be called a Nothingness Orb despite me never leaving to the traits of the nothingness.

Welp time to sort this out.............................................................................................

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