Completed Training & Assimilation with Complete Cosmic Esscence.

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My training complete I feel the powers I have gained, Traits L.V. 10 Origin Soul Traits.

Justice trait ability EdenSphere Lightning; it grants the user the power to command The Eden Tree and The EdenSphere to Smite down anyone who gets in their way and afflict someone with a horrible condition like Cosmic Essence/Nexus Code/Determination's excessive amount or far too little and instability. Or even a version of afflictions on the 3rd dimensional level applied to highest tiered beings resulting which would all culminate in instant win condition for anyone of the Anti-God level of power or lower. This also applies to the Eden Tier of power. 

Note: the Eden tier of power has a hidden fact that It is exactly like the mathematical understanding of Infinity. This Implies that no matter how much stronger you get there will always be a higher level of the Eden Tier than what is currently achieved. To put this into perspective, if the Eden tier could be numerically understood and multiplied to the power of itself and multiplied by itself an Eden tier amount of times.

Disregarded Hope Trait which basically endows the user with the the residual power of The Eden Tree & EdenSphere as well as everything else within them and below them. You also gain a hope boost from all their hope added together then amplified an unknown amount. You also are the Archetype True Hope Deity which is a superior version of Archetype Hope Deity which grants and all versions of the abilities of the previous state of the Archetype are now masteries instead ultimately granting Meta Perspective Mastery. You can also use the Meta Hope Mastery.

Determination trait allows you to rival if anything surpass Eden Tier beings. If you were fighting a being a Tier higher than yours if would be impossible for yourself not normal impossible for everyone else you would still win. Since The Eden Tree and EdenSphere are basically unaffected by the inhabitants if it could attack you protecting yourself is certain. Meta Eden Manipulation which grants the user the most thorough mastery of Reality Manipulation every known because you have unrivaled  mastery and control over quarks and micro verses which is negative dimensional or the Zero Level. This applies to all dimensional girding and the the Alphaverse tie ring. I would have abilities like Meta Reality Mastery, Meta Logic Mastery, Meta Boundaries Mastery 

Perseverance trait grants Metaniscient/Meta knowledge,Information Mastery which grants knowledge of all versions of the histories of the EdenSphere/Tree and below including strategies, facts/information unlike omniscience which only applies to zero dimensional to a universe sized dimension and so on. This includes every minute detail, every thought even the basically nonexistent differences between AT'S. Heck any information that ever existed, didn't exist, yet to exist or impossible to access or know. You know all of these things and more still doesn't change the fact you can and will make stupid decisions.

Kindness trait grants me Meta Time Mastery & archetype true compassion deity with mastery of each ability the archetype grants.. I could easily affect weaker Eden level beings and Healing Mastery which would grant others Meta Regeneration and Meta Healing. You can also redeem the worst entities of the EdenSphere and the lower narrative planes into great people. You can also stop time for everything except for entities stronger than you.

Patience trait grants me Meta Space Mastery and Meta Transcendence Mastery.

Bravery trait grants the unrivaled Absolute Will Mastery and Meta Temptation Immunity.

Integrity trait grants Meta Telekinesis Mastery and Author's Authority and Quantum Gravity Mastery.

With all of these advancements I have gained I fight my True Cosmic Essence self for a while so he could completely get used to his power and stabilized it. He then gained control over it which evolved into manipulation which then turned into absurd skillful usage of his power leading to mastery of his power and inevitably perfection.

I tried to overpower his True Cosmic essence however my other self was always superior to me. 

For context Nexus Code was a 0, Determination is a 0.5 & Cosmic Essence is a 1 so True Cosmic Essence has the power of 1.5 but the compatibility of 0.5 

I won't explain my other self's powers but I will explain that because of the scale I can never surpass him. This specific ability is Meta Scaling/Tiering Superiority which is exactly as it sounds.  You are always able to scale higher or have a superior Tier to your opponent always and you can also continually weaken them by scaling or tiering them far below you.

I could have just used my Absolute Will Mastery to bypass this ability of his and be done with it but this wasn't the point. It was for my other self to access his true potential and that was now complete.

So we began to absorb each other simultaneously which resulted in the birth of True Cosmic Soul Trait Essence(I know the name is horrible and so is my naming sense but I couldn't come up with anything better so If you have any better Ideas then please comment, your contributions will be greatly appreciated.)

Eventually we completely merged and I finally felt complete again, heck I didn't realize why I felt so blue during my Telekinesis/Gravity training.

'Finally I can finally leave and slack off even though all this training made me feel amazing I rather sleep or even strengthen the bond between me, Frisk and Player because I feel partly responsible for their actions. Not only was it the inability to interfere due to my position which Irks me to this day but I didn't really get the chance to express because I was too hyper focused on completing my training as fast as possible not because I wanted to get stronger(Although it was a nice bonus) it was too get it out of the way like certain readers out there having to do their chores or menial tasks to do a more enjoyable activity.

Honestly being aware of everything in and out of my story is very annoying because I either know everything or I am unaware and slowly figure things out, no matter what happens both are  equally disdainful indeed.

Finally! I am home. I wonder what Player & Frisk have been doing since I had to leave for my training.'

A Minute Later........

What I had saw not only shocked me but my stuck in confusion.(yes I know I am supposed to know everything due to my Perseverance trait tracing but I don't want to make my life boring so I don't use it.)

To be Continued.................

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