"Author" Trains Me In Telekinesis

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After waking up from my nap I decide to watch some funny memes to take my mind off the stressful events of fighting the Player, Now that I think about it they seriously need a better name then just a title. I go to my absurdly advanced computer and hook up to it with a minor application of telekinesis and telepathy. I then use my mind to "type" funny memes into our online video sharing and social media platform. I then chose this video to view.

the clip for the video was hilarious on its own but what happened in the video was even funnier and some things confused me, others made me sigh and others made me disappointed. Nevertheless it was fun until I felt something was wrong. I teleport to see what it was and saw a tree the size of a reality.

It was just "Author"."What do you need boss?" The colossal tree's face remained serious," You have probably been wondering how the Original Player showed up here possessing our Eden Orb's version of Frisk." Yes I was honestly curious on not only how but why did it happen.

"my fellow authors decided to explore the Eden-Sphere and throughout their exploration they encountered someone truly deplorable, his name was The Anti-Heart Bastard Loran. Despite our uncontested ability of stealth his mask not only weakened us overall but strengthened himself in turn. We fought for awhile but in the end we had no choice but to flee. And because of this made it easier for Loran to find us but it made a trail for Origin Player to take to find us."

"So what do we do? If you and your brethren's combined efforts couldn't defeat Loran how could I win?" My Boss who turned planted himself into a tree so he could recover from the battle he told me about, but now I knew the specifics said."Simple, I will have to train and teach you everything I know and go even beyond that so we will be ready for when Loran inevitably arrives."

After this discussion my training under Author began(you are probably wondering why I am not using quotation marks. The in story reason is that I began to respect the Author because he started training me and I got to know him better. The Actual reason is because I am lazy.) I was required to use my soul telekinesis/normal telekinesis on a massive object in the judgement hall that is immune to any form of telekinesis and move it through a difficult course like mini golf or a parkour set but scaled to the size of the Judgement hall which was the size of a high end reality. So to say it was beyond difficult was a massive understatement. But after a year of this training I was able to move it a 10 miles per hour, I still haven't completed a full cycle of the judgement hall course, not only that but due to my growing power and improvements I have made during this year of training the judgement hall has grown from the size of a high end reality to Multi-reality level sized realm.

Approaching the end of the second year I could move the rock at MFTL+ speeds but the judgement hall grew to the size of high end multi-reality sized realm due to the sheer monotony of this task I started multitasking on training the techniques of telekinesis which includes Ambient Resource construction, Binding, Homing effect, Levitation, Object Calling, Orbital Field, Pull & Push, Radar, Remote Telekinesis, Simultaneous Interaction, /Telekinetic Attacks, Aura, Choking, Combat, Compression, Constructs, Defense, Destruction, Enhanced Strike, Flight, Grip, Heat Vision, Invisibility, Negation, Maneuver, Pressure, Regeneration, Shapeshifting, Solidification, Strike, Surgery, Tethering, Teleportation, Wave Manipulation. 

I'm Improving By Drinking Ketchup?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ