Player's Endless Hateful Determination

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After the light disappeared, I looked around for where the Player went but found nothing so using the time I had left until the Player inevitably returned I checked myself.

(Sans The Skeleton

L.V: 999,999

Level 44 Nexus tier


my surroundings began to imperceptibly glitch and with each passing second it grew worse until I could see nothing but glitches everywhere. Suddenly, the Player reappeared but they were different they didn't look normal anymore. They were consumed with Hatred and Determination not only on their face but on their legs, arms, joints, hips and oddly their breasts? 

While I was distracted wondering why this substance was covering their breasts of all things the Player took a massive bear like swipe that I barely dodged. This sent an overwhelming feeling of dread down my spine and a chill to impact my soul. Okay where the hell did this come from? Was the skills, powers and abilities they were showing before the Player taking it easy? No, the player must have experienced some form of mental breakdown. I checked their level of power and yep this confirms my suspicions. The mental breakdown was so powerful it increased their power to the Lucid Dreamer tier. 

Realizing this I use karmic enhancement to its absolute limit and using a mixture of my trait ability and bone shaping I transformed into a physical state of being similar to seraphim sans with none of the weaknesses. For example, I didn't have any soul points to destroy to make me weaker or have a weak base soul to target at least in comparison to almost any other sans. 

I charged at Player but they caught it with barely any effort whatsoever. I was then hit almost dying in an instant. I teleported to the other size of the other side of the absurdly colossal judgement hall and made my presence disappear with a mixture of invisibility and stealth to heal and recover from my injuries.

Okay this won't work no matter what I do victory is impossible in my current state. I don't have enough time to close the tier gap and surpass them. I could try a sneak attack but I will definitely die this time because they aren't holding back anymore since the previous attack was basically a love tap to test their abilities. 

I then see the Player approaching my position, they were beginning to figure out where I was and I couldn't come up with anything at all. At this rate my world as well as the two others outside this place will become their playground. Wait, playground? Isn't that how William Dings Gaster & Ten No Kami treat the Underverse? Ten No Kami & William Ding Gaster? Yes! Now I have a plan now just need to make a distraction so I can prepare myself for this experiment. I then make a colossal bone star destroyed the size of a reality inspired from Star Wars on the other side of the Judgement Hall making a noise at the sound decibel of 1000. 

The berserk Player grabbed at their ears and dashed in the opposite direction to get rid of my bone star destroyer. I then get in a horse stance and begin to focus tapping into powers I never thought about properly until now cosmic essence and nexus essence making my powers skyrocket by two tiers into level 46 Pure Dreamer Tier. Meanwhile, with the corrupted Player they arrived in front of the bone star destroyer and fired a reddish black energy beam. The gigantic bone construct fired a colossal blast at the beam holding it back long enough for sans to transform into Perfect Seraphim Sans of Karma. After feeling this the Corrupted Player instantly overpowered the construct with its full power and then angrily running back to where they were earlier realizing Sans had tricked them with his overdone distraction. 

When the player arrived I was seen patiently waiting for them. The Player overcome with rage attacked me with all they had. But by me merely thinking about them getting hurt almost completely made them explode everywhere. They then instantaneously regenerated from the explosive trauma player experienced becoming leagues stronger than before. This time Player was more wary and defensive of my attacks. Seeing they were taking far to long for my liking, I equipped bravery gloves and began hitting them several times. After losing interest in punching the life out of them I stopped punching the Player. Their condition was utterly deplorable, completely covered in bloody and aggravated indented wounds. The Player experiencing this complete and utter disrespect being rage quitting. 

Really? Knowing you can't win you throw a temper tantrum instead of finding a solution?" I knew you were a pathetic individual player but this is just disappointing." The Player hearing this narrows their eyes and then make limitless copies to surround me cutting off any escape. Their are also the same amount in the air and burrowed underground. The burrowers began to burrow toward me, the players on the ground rushed towards me and the aerial players began to dive towards me. I grabbed one of the aerial players before they could attack me and threw them into the crowd making a massive mess due to the sheer force of the throw. I began to tear threw the oncoming legions of players either straight up eviscerating them or using misdirection to trick them and take them down. After a while, the rate at which the player could not make clones couldn't keep up with how fast I was annihilating them at. Then to finish the job I mouth blasted a massive attack completely incinerating the Player from existence. I waited a bit to confirm they were dead and then walking away making the assumption that they must have run out of determination. I looked at my L.V. and wondered why it hasn't increased whatsoever, since I only need one more kill to increase my L.V.. I then feel a overbearing presence appear out of nowhere causing a massive gale to be created.

The differences between the original seraphim and mine is that mine doesn't have clear weak points and doesn't have a synergy issue. Instead he has 12 wings compared to the original's 6 wings.    

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