Finally Its Over, Player's Rehabilitation

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The Light dissipated to reveal the Judgement hall being turned into an abyss of code in countless colors comprehensible and comprehensible alike. I realized what was happening and tapped into the power of the barrier and judgement hall to counter what the player was doing. This resulted in a domain where what me or the player does goes. At this point our power was now on Eden Tier which means any power growth from this point becomes meaningless. 

we now charge at each other with all of our magic and power into our fists when suddenly the player ducked and punched me in the chin sending my ass flying. Wait is this the so called game-bot I have heard about in gaming which allows for absolute victory? I try to teleport behind the player but I am instead teleport in front of them. I try running at them but feel like I got stuck in gelatin, when I use my bone weapons they disintegrate, when I use my Gaster blasters or Bone UFO they explode in on themselves. It seems all my counter did to the player is making it impossible to kill or defeat me but it didn't equalize the playing field whatsoever. The player then sent next-bots inflicting overwhelming agony onto me but with each blow my transformations faded away but made me stronger softening the blows of the next-bots leading to me ending up in my normal state but my full potential has now been unleashed. Accidentally using too much force I stretch my arms out and flatten the next-bots. I then speed in front of Player and punch them sending them flying into the walls of Judgement Hall.

While the player was recovering, I realized I needed to expunge Player's motivation/willpower/determination/hatred/Evil. I will use forced spirit fission in addition to draining blasters to weaken them and bring their consciousness as well as their sanity back.

The fight has gone on for a while, I managed to nearly drain all of Player's corrupted determination. They inevitably realized what I was doing and shifted to absurd stealth mods and abilities to focus on hit and run tactics to attempt to chip me down. They also used copies to try and use invisible magic attacks that I was incapable of sensing. 

However, over time not only was I learning the weaknesses and drawbacks to these stealth abilities I also killed all of the copies making me stronger via EXP(all of the motivation/willpower/determination/hatred/evil/corrupted conscience was absorbed into me.), this eventually led to the Player laying on the floor looking at the ceiling in contemplation." Shouldn't you be finishing the job already? Avenge your fellow monsters and half-breed children that I murdered?" I simply replied,"First of all, If I kill you I would be doing exactly what the "author" wanted me to do meaning absolutely not. Second of all, the other times I killed you earlier more or less is because you would be able to come back with a Load or straight up refusing death. But, with almost all of your determination gone you wouldn't be able to do either. In addition, my own determination amplified by your own would not allow you to. Even If you could I would just Nullify your ability."

"So, you are just going to let me leave and get away with my crimes?" I merely sighed to this statement." No. I am going to bring back all the people you killed and you are going to learn how to be a better person and get some friends." Then Player looked at me like I am crazy."what is this a check list for my life goals or something?". "Yep, that is the idea because not only have you had no proper social interaction, you don't know the clear cut differences between good and bad." 

I then created a player a vessel for them to inhabit which they promptly took over giving Frisk control of her body back." See you at me and Papyrus's place!" I waved goodbye. The Player merely grumbled in response and started dragging Frisk with her to sans and papyrus's house. I then teleport into my room and use my powers I had gained from my battle with Player and revived more like restored them by overloaded their dust piles or corpses with HOPE. 

Due to the Hive mind space of all monsters mind we can observe what each other are doing or thinking but we usually cut the hivemind mental space into our own areas and the center which contains all of the knowledge learned, gathered & experienced in by monsters and the hybrids lays. My brother walked into my room and asked me," BROTHER! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO HELP THE PLAYER BECOME A BETTER PERSON?" I merely stared at the ceiling and responded with."Easy we get the willing monsters and hybrids to socialize and form bonds with Player so they have something to care for and restrain their unhinged personality. Even though the hybrids will probably be less willing to do so. If worse comes to worse I will either befriend or seduce the Player whichever works better I guess." Papyrus merely shakes his head and while walking out softly says. "I hope you know what you are doing brother." Of course Bro. 

So Player's Rampage is now over and Sans is now focused on rehabilitating the Player. Now why did the Player surrender so easily? Is She planning something? Next time, the Player gets a Proper name?          

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