True Monster vs Foul Player

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The player using their ability to cheat the rules of reality attacked and killed everyone and everything on the surface as well as accessing the LV of other players from Eden and it's lower dimensions making their own LV increase to Absolute Infinity. Sans feeling this absurd level of power that he could no longer keep up with started to transform using many theoretical ideas along the way.

First sans used his magic to fill up all the empty space within his body, Magic, soul and bones making his power increase 10 billion times as well as his growth rate. Sans then used his bone magic to make bone muscles/skin/hair/organs and more creating a human form generating a further 100 quintillion times boost. Then sans accessed all of the difficulty mode settings for all his other selves making everything amplify to unquantifiable levels. He accessed all his soul traits to far beyond what he should be able to handle making a explosive flow of ever-changing colored magic overflowing out of his eyes/mouth/hands/feet. Sans then accessed the full potential of all genuine sans, people that looked like sans and people that inhabit their bodies and souls. Doing all of this sans know stood a chance against his absurdly powerful adversary.

(Sans The Skeleton


Level 43 Outer God


I see so even this might not be enough so I charged at the Player and we punched, kicked, clashed, bite, headbutt, trip, use magic weapons for centuries & despite my efforts I was being left in the dust because I just couldn't keep up with my current growth rate against the Players.

I was on the back foot so I needed advice so I went to the other half of my consciousness that was in the monster-net and he told me this."Look this is going to sound corny to you but you need to believe in yourself, your magic and never let go of your hope for a better tomorrow." After hearing this I snap back to reality. 

I see a Omni-direction slash attack barreling towards me at unparalleled speeds but I smirked while making a hope barrier with the properties of a black hole and a pocket dimension of shadows converging all the slashes into a determination beam right back at the player. This puzzled the Player on how I did that so they asked."Simple, I believed my abilities could stop and bring your own attack back to you and thus it happened". 

The player scowled and restarted the battle with us now even. We teleported everywhere and clashed just like a bunch of dragon-ball characters but the advantage over the other was constantly being  switched around. After a while I pierced and destroyed their soul. This is what I would come to learn was a horrible mistake. 

Their now limp body began to shine all varieties of red and black. Their body shining in all of these various shades of red and black began to stand back up again like they were imitating a scene out of the exorcist. And they showed a horrifyingly demonic smile emitting endless hatred for my mere existence and everything I have done towards it, as well as endless determination to win.

In response I tap into the true potential of all my traits and use it's full potential of coating the entire body with it and I converted my neutral magic with all natural & scientific elements amplifying my power to an even more ridiculous level than it already was. I then created a bone soldier army and colossal bone space invaders which then charged at the player, in response the player created under-player and Alpha!player from their memories in addition to limitless copies of themselves to defend against my army.

It was absolute chaos, any copy that was killed by my bone soldiers or bone space invaders increased my EXP making me stronger than before because they had souls as well. My soldiers on the other hand wouldn't provide EXP when destroyed because their inanimate bones and due to their destruction it amplifies my creations powers further which in turn makes me stronger because they are extensions of my power. Anyways after one Bone soldier is destroyed I create two more the same goes for the trio of players. How should I go about this should I focus on the weakest of the three 'under-player' getting a EXP boost but becoming vulnerable to Alpha! and The Origin of Players. Or do I go for the Alpha!Player getting a much larger EXP boost because the stronger the person the stronger the EXP boost and easily kill under-player but risk getting sneak attacked by Player. ignore the other two and fight Player but get mauled to death from all directions by the other three. 

Instead sans creates two exact copies of himself to fight then kill under-player and Alpha!Player.  I then charge at Player and we clash. Changing it up from our monotonous clashing I create two more arms taking them off guard resulting in their grievous injuries. Gaining such an advantage I can't allow the player to recover so I bring forth an onslaught of attacks heavily damaging them. 

As this was happening my bone army's tactics and power overwhelmed the player copies because they don't have enough experience with fighting in groups not to mention they didn't gain any EXP whatsoever this resulting in them being destroyed far faster than the copies could be generated. This resulted in the spare bone soldiers and bone space invaders as well as other bone vehicles to assist in my annihilation. Eventually, it got so ridiculous that I just created bone machine turrets that would spam bones out destroying the copies as soon as soon as they formed.

I summoned a blaster the size of a universe and fired it at the Player and my army launched their attacks as well. Since the Player was distracted they could no longer make countless copies of themselves as well as the other two the turrets also open fired on the player all at once. Everything went white and I heard a scream of absolute agony.


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