Our heads tilted ever so slowly, living every moment, relishing it, memorizing it. Someone said it right- slower the kiss, faster is the heartbeat.

Pulling apart after what felt like a lifetime but also like a fraction of a second, we looked at each other. His stare held meaning. He was bare infront of me with no layers of lies, purely transparent and it gave me some sense of intimacy. And then he said something that was going to swallow me into another spiral of thoughts.
"Come with me, Y/N."


Author's pov:

Mrs.Jeon sat on a comfortable sofa in the balcony of her room. It was big enough to accommodate two three-seater sofas and several flower pots.

The woman was happy, anyone who knew her could make out as her happy moments were rare. Why wouldn't she be? She was successful in doing what she wanted to and Jungkook was nowhere around to lecture her or do something about it. He was oblivious to the entire situation. Or so she thought.

"You have grown to be even more beautiful,  Princess Eun Ae." Infront of her sat the youngest child and the only daughter of The Royal Family of Yangsan.
Eun Ae blushed at the compliment and tucked a hair strand behind her ear before letting out a small 'thank you'.
Polite and mannered. Thats a check. Mrs.Jeon thought.

Kang Eun Ae was in her early twenties, 23 years old with brunette hair and pale white skin. She was of age and all the more ready to be taken as a bride. According to Mrs.Jeon, there was no one better than Jungkook to have that honour. He was 28 years old, turning 29 in just a few months. He should get married before he grows old.
It was just an excuse! Mrs.Jeon knew it even if he was above 40 there will be thousands of women out there ready to go on their knees to be his bride not just because of his beauty but also because of his title. His beauty was just a plus point. And she'll use it to her advantage.

"Why wouldn't she be? She's my daughter after all!" Eun Ae's mother and the childhood best friend of Mrs.Jeon spoke proudly.

Mrs.Jeon belonged to a small kingdom at the junction of Yangsan and Busan. She was made familiar with the borders of both the kingdoms as a child. Mrs.Kang was also being taught the same things at the same time. The two came across each other and immediately wanted to be friends.
Both never said it but it was only because of the fact the other too was a princess. They felt no one of a lower rank in the hierarchy was worthy of being a friend.

The two ladies who sat smiling at each other would have been throwing daggers and clawing at the other's skin if it wasn't for their title.
They were aware of this.

"I know. She has your features." Another smile. "So, Eun Ae- oh! You don't mind if I call you informally?" She gasped dramatically, leaning forward with a hand to her chest.

"Oh! No, Your Majesty. You have all the right to talk to me in an informal way. You're elder to me." Eun Ae too leaned forward, trying to make herself sound convincing.

Mrs.Kang wanted to roll her eyes. All the ladies present knew they were acting but it couldn't be helped. Busan was clearly the stronger kingdom with much greater man power and inorder to make a friendly alliance, Yangsan had to cooperate and fit into whatever image that suits best to Jeon's eyes.

Whatever Mrs.Jeon was asking Eun Ae was a test.
"Remember to act domestic and soft. Don't look directly into her eyes. Take whatever she offers to eat but never put it in you mouth. She hates seeing someone chew outside of the dinning room. Always act flattered with her compliments."

"As long as you become the queen of Busan, its worth it being a puppet to her. She's growing old. Once she dies, you'll have all the control. And you will be able to fully influence Jungkook's mind. Make sure he is in your grasp, that he only listens to you."

A knock on the door pulled everyone's attention.

"Come in."

Opening the door, entered a maid with a tray of snacks in her hands. It wasn't just any maid.
It was Miho, the childhood sweetheart of General Park.

Mrs.Jeon smirked at the sight of the young girl. Miho walked to the balcony and placed the tray on the table then backed away.
The sight of a fresh scar on her cheek gave Mrs.Jeon immense satisfaction.

She also got a glimpse of Jimin outside the room.
You surely learn from your mistakes, General Park. Mrs.Jeon thought.

If looks could kill, Jimin would have killed this woman in the most gut wrenchingly hurtful ways.


Author: OMG! I woke up to so many notifications today.
THANK YOU! It made my day. 😆😆
Hope my book was worth your time.

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