23 tea dance part 2

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Buckys pov

Steve and I arrived at Rose's house to pick her and Rebecca up for the tea dance, Howard called up the stairs to them, we didn't have to wait long. Rebeca was the first to come down wearing a baby pink dress with white spots, 'wow Becs you look good' I smile 'right Stevie?' I ask 'er  yeah' Steve stutters 'you look beautiful Rebeca' Steve adds smiling.

Movement at the top of the stairs makes me look towards the top, Rose makes her way down the stairs in a floral print dress, her hair is curled loosely 'wow doll, you look beautiful' I smile 'awe thanks Jamie, you look so handsome' she smiles standing in front of me.  'lets take some photos' Howard smiles before leading us into the front room. 'Lets do Rose and Bucky first' he smiles, I stand beside Rose with my arm around her waist, the next photo was me standing behind Rose with my arms around her waist. Howard then takes similar photos with Steve and Rebecca, 'lets do a group photo' Howard says. Steve and I stand with Rebecca and Rose in-between us.  ' I hope you all have a wonderful evening' Howard smiles. 'thank you Howie' Rose smiles hugging him ' I'll take good care of Rose Howard' i smile. 'I know you will James' Howard smiles. 'I'll see you sometime tomorrow' Howard says softly kissing Roses forehead.

We leave Rose's house to walk to school where the tea dance was being held, ' you look absolutely beautiful Rose, i cant believe you are my girl.' i smile as i wrap my arm around Rose. Steve and Rebecca are slightly in front of us, 'What do you think to Rebecca's dress?' Rose asks me looking up at me 'it looks amazing Rose, bec's has been saying how much fun she's been having with you, especially learning what do with the off cuts' i smile. 'hey Rose' Steve smiles as him and Rebecca drop back so we can all walk together, 'you look stunning' he smiles ' thanks Steve, you look handsome' Rose smiles, ' i'm looking forward to this evening' she adds, 'i would love a dance with you Rose, even if it when we get back to Bucky's' Steve says ' i would like a dance with you too Stevie' Rose smiles. 'Your dress is amazing Bec's' I smile to my sister, 'Thanks Jamie, I've enjoyed spending time with Rose, you have a keeper brother' Rebecca smiles, slightly nudging my side. 

Rose's Pov

Rebecca and I were up in my room getting ready, we had our dresses on and we were doing our hair and make up, 'you ready to see James?' Rebecca asks me, ' I am, I hope he likes my dress' I smile over to her. 'Rose, James loves you, he loves what ever you are wearing.' she smiles, 'I feel so lucky that James asked me, he means the world to me Becs,i love him so much.' I smile. I hear a knock at the door and quiet talking. 'Rose, Rebecca' Howard calls up to us 'James and Steve are here' he adds. 'okay, we will be down shortly' i call back. 'Ready?' i ask Rebecca, 'i am. you go first' i smile to Rebecca. I watch as Rebecca leaves my room heading downstairs   'wow Becs you look good' I hear James say 'right Stevie?' he asks 'er yeah' Steve stutters 'you look beautiful Rebeca' Steve adds. 

Moving from my bedroom I head to the top of the stairs, looking down I can see James smiling, slowly I make my way down stairs.  'wow doll, you look beautiful' James smile 'awe thanks Jamie, you look so handsome' I smile standing in front of him. James looks so handsome in his suit, so does Steve.  Howard leads us into our living room where he takes photos of us, he took photos of James and myself, Steve and Rebecca and then a group photo of us all. . ' I hope you all have a wonderful evening' Howard smiles. 'thank you Howie' I smile hugging him ' I'll take good care of Rose Howard' James smiles. 'I know you will James' Howard smiles. 'I'll see you sometime tomorrow' Howard says softly kissing my forehead. We leave the house, James wraps his arm around my waist as we walk.   ' you look absolutely beautiful Rose, i cant believe you are my girl.' James smiles. Steve and Rebecca are slightly in front of us, 'What do you think to Rebecca's dress?' I ask James looking up at him 'it looks amazing Rose, bec's has been saying how much fun she's been having with you, especially learning what do with the off cuts' he smiles. It makes me happy that Rebecca has enjoyed spending time with me, I do too. I have three friends who mean the world to me, an amazing boyfriend and both me and James have Steve who we both love, its hard in this time that we cant all be together, Steve is so understanding giving up his opportunity to be with us in public as a couple but behind closed doors in our family homes we can be as they all support and understand how we feel about each other.

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