17 - date with his girl

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Buckys pov

'Hey doll' I say wrapping my arm over Rose's shoulder as we walk in the school gates 'hey jamie, how are you?' Rose asks 'I'm good looking forward to our date on Saturday.' I reply smiling 'me too Jamie, I can't wait to see what you have planned' rose says smiling. 'I think you'll like it' I tell her 'ill pick you up from your place?'  I ask 'I'd like that' she replies. We hear the first warning bell 'we better get to class before we are late' rose says 'Okay doll. I'll see you at lunch' I say before walking to class 'Buck!' I hear Rose yell 'yeah' I yell back 'arnt you forgetting something' rose replies with a smirk, walking up to me 'what might that be miss Stark' I reply with a smirk  'this' rose replies smiling before leaning in to kiss me 'wow miss stark' I reply smiling 'your going to make us late for class' I reply smiling 'well you will have to wait till lunch for more' rose say before running into class. I walk to my class already wishing it was lunch.

This mornings lessons seemed longer, I just want to spend lunch with Rose in my arms. I can't believe that  Steve and I leave next year, I going to miss spending our lunchtimes together. I'm looking forward to finding work, because then we can get a place for the three of us. I might even look for some work for the final year  We get dismissed for lunch and we all leave the classroom I pass Rose's classroom to get outside, I began walking across to our table when I feel someone jump on my back.

'Hey Jamie' I hear Rose says 'hey doll, how was your morning?' I ask walking over to the table still carrying Rose. 'I can't wait for our date' Rose says leaning forward and kissing my cheek. 'Me too doll, me too' I say smiling. 'You both look happy' Steve says smiling 'we are stevie' rose replies 'come on doll, let's sit and eat' I say 'don't want to let go' rose says 'your cute' I reply smiling spinning her around so she is sitting on my lap. 'Love you Jamie' Rose says 'love you too Doll' I reply. We spend our lunch chatting and Steve sketching too. 'What are you drawing Stevie?' Rose asks 'you and Buck' Steve says turning his sketch book around for us to see. It was me and Rose, I had my arms wrapped around her and we are both looking into each others eyes. 'It's beautiful Stevie' Rose says smiling. 'Time for class' Rose says smiling climbing of my lap walking away 'aren't you forgetting something doll' I call out to her 'and what might that be Mr Barnes?' Rose calls back with a hand on her hip. I walk over to her smiling, looking her in the eyes, I wrap my arms around her pulling her close 'this' I reply quietly. I lean down to kiss her 'Mr Barnes!' Rose exclaims smiling 'what?'  I reply smiling 'your an amazing kisser' she replies smiling before she pulls me in for a kiss. 'Your going to make us late doll' I say. Rose pouts making me laugh 'you'll get more after school' I say 'I'll see you later' I reply kissing her cheek walking away, I turn around to see Rose stood there looking at me, I give her a small wave before heading into my class.

Rose's pov

As I stand watch James walk away I think about how happy he makes me 'MISS STARK, INSIDE NOW'  I turn to see Miss stood there 'Sorry Miss' I reply walking into the class room to my seat.  I was so looking forward to classes being over.

At the end of school I packed up my bags and was about to leave the class room when Miss called me back, 'Miss Stark?' Miss asked 'yes miss' I reply 'how are the projects coming along?' She asks 'they are coming along well, need to work more on the prototypes before testing again' I reply 'I'm sorry if I'm hard on you in class Rose, your one of the brightest students we have here' she says smiling 'except Howard of course' I reply smiling 'I understand Miss' I reply, we look to the door to see James walking  pass 'and don't be late again Miss Stark' Miss tells me 'yes Miss, sorry Miss' I reply.

I walk out of the classroom meeting James 'hey doll' he asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder 'hey Jamie' I reply smiling at him 'did you have a good afternoon?' I ask 'I did thanks, how about you doll?' He asks 'It was good, looking forward to our date' I reply smiling. 'I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned' I add smiling up at him. We walk to the office where I drop of my bags before heading to the workshop 'you coming James?' I ask 'I will do. I'll be there in a bit' he replies Smiling. I walk to the workshop to begin working on one of my projects.

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