19 - tea dance - making the dress Pt 1

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Roses pov

After James invited me to the schools tea dance I decided to make a dress for the occasion. I am going to the haberdashers on Saturday. 

I didn't see James or Steve this morning so at lunch I headed outside to our usual table, I sit down waiting 'Rose?' A voice asks I turn to see Rebbeca 'hello Rebecca' I say smiling 'please join me' I add. Rebecca sits down in front of me. 'How are you?' I ask 'I'm good, James took me to the haberdashers yesterday morning as I needed some more fabric' she replies 'That's sweet of him' I reply 'it is. How was your day yesterday?' She asks 'it was amazing, James took me out for lunch and then we went on a walk through the park' I reply smiling 'he asked me to accompany him to the schools tea dance' I add 'what did you say?' She asks 'i said yes' I reply 'you make such a wonderful couple' she says leaning over the table to hug me ' I really like him Becs, he's so sweet and caring. I'm so in love with him' I reply. 'Would you like to go to the haberdashers with me on Saturday?' I ask 'I'm wanting to get some more fabric so I can make a dress but I also need some for a car I'm working on' I reply 'I'd love to Rose' Rebbeca replies 'I can meet you at yours for 10?' I ask 'I'd like that'  'I can tell how much he cares for you Rose, he would do anything for you' Rebbeca says 'I love how he would do anything to make sure we all are okay. I feel so lucky to have met him, I can definitely see a future with him. Both him and Steve are amazing friends and I love them both so much' I add smiling

Buckys pov

I leave my classroom to head outside to meet Rose and Steve. 'Hey buck' a voice says I turn around to see Steve, 'hey steve' I reply, he soon catches up with me and we walk outside together 'how was your day yesterday?'  He ask 'it was amazing, took Rose out for lunch and we went on a walk through the park. I asked her to accompany me to the tea dance' I reply 'what did she say?' Steve asks 'she said yes!'  I reply smiling 'congrats pal' Steve replies 'are you going to the tea dance?' I ask him 'I'm not sure pal, I don't even know who would want to go with me' he replies. I think for a moment 'you could always as Rebbeca' I suggest 'you sure?' He asks 'of course pal' I reply we walk outside to see Rose already sat at our table with Rebbeca talking 'Rebbeca's there Steve' I say smiling.

As we walk over I hear them chatting  'I can tell how much he cares for you Rose, he would do anything for you' Rebbeca says 'I love how he would do anything to make sure we all are okay. I feel so lucky to have met him, I can definitely see a future with him. Both him and Steve are amazing friends and I love them both so much' Rose says. I wrap my arms around her placing a kiss on her forehead, 'hey doll' I say smiling. Rose looks up at me 'hey Jamie' she replies smiling at me.  I move to sit beside her wrapping an arm around her waist 'how was your morning?' I ask 'it was good.' She replies

Steve's pov.

'Hi Rebecca' I say sitting beside her 'hi Steve, how are you?' She asks 'I'm good Thanks you?'  I reply 'I'm good, I was just chatting to Rose' she says smiling. 'Rebecca, can I ask you something?' I ask 'sure Steve' she replies 'would you like to accompany me to the schools tea dance?' I ask, she looks at me before smiling 'I'd love to steve' she replies. 'We definitely need to go to the haberdashers on Saturday!' Rose says smiling 'your right there Sis' Rebecca replies smiling.

Rose's pov

'We definitely need to go to the haberdashers on Saturday!' I say smiling 'your right there Sis' Rebecca replies smiling.  We will make dresses to suprise the boys and ill invite her over so they don't see. 'I can come with you both' James says, I look at Rebbeca who shakes her head 'no can do James, this is a girls only trip' I reply 'please doll' he looks at me with puppy dog eyes 'no James, we don't want you to see our dresses till the day' I reply 'fine' he replies 'you can come with me next time as I will still need to get fabric for the car' I say 'okay doll' he replies. 'Car?'  Steve asks 'yeah, I'm currently working on the engine but refitting the entire thing. It will take a while but I've already told James I'll take him for a ride once its finished.' I say 'I'm already having driving lessons' I add. 

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