24 - where's rose

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Rose's POV

The tea dance was three weeks ago, Howard had got the photos developed, at the time he took the photos he took multiple of each shot 'so you all can have a copy each' Howard smiles. We are keeping them in the office till the four of us all meet up again. 

Today I am working in the workshop on the car, I had already done the engine but I am working on the chassis of the car, I have ordered some tires so they would be delivered today. I had the trolley ready to put the new tires on to move them from reception to the workshop. I moved the chassis onto the ramp moving it up so I could work on the underside, I have the wireless on playing music as I'm working. Occasionally Howard will pop in to see how i'm doing. ' the car is in my workshop which is separate from our shared workshop. 

'Rose come take a break' Howard calls me, 'I need to get this done' I reply. 'Rose, You need a break. You have been working non-stop for the last 4 hours.' Howard says, 'Okay' I reluctantly give in as I slide out from under the car. 'Lets go to the office, I have some sandwiches' Howard says, 'Fine, just let me lock up' I reply picking up my keys locking the door to the office, I walk alongside Howard to our office. I notice some looks from some of the female workers as we pass them, 'How can a lady look like that?' One asks 'No man would want a lady covered in oil and grease, so not lady like' another says.

'Hi Doll' a voice behind me says, turning round I see James, 'James, what are you doing here?' I ask 'can't a guy surprise his gal?' he asks 'always Jamie' I smile, 'sorry about how I look' I tell him 'don't be Doll, you look HOT!' He smiles. I can hear the ladies whispering 'shall we get some food?' he asks 'but' 'I don't mind that you look like that, Its one of my favourite looks. You look stunning.. Hot.. Sexy.. Fabulous.. gorgeous' James smiles kissing me after each word.  

'Lets get some food' James says 'Olive's?' he asks 'sure, Our favourite café' I smile, taking his hand we walk out of the building to the café. 'Afternoon Rose and Bucky' Olive smiles as we walk into the café, 'sorry about how i look Olive' I say, 'don't be Rose, you can wear wear what ever you'd like to. Looks like you have been busy' she smiles. 'I have been. Busy on the car, Howard had to drag me out to get food. Apparently I had been working for 4 hours straight.' I tell Olive. 

Olive leads us to our usual table, 'what can I get you both?' Olive asks after giving us time to read the menus. 'Melted Cheese and Elderflower cordial please' I reply smiling, 'I'll have the same please Olive' James smiles. 'So how's the car coming along?' James asks me, 'it is going well thank you James, I've been working on the chassis of the car, I had it up on the ramp as I was working on the underneath' I smile 'I can tell you enjoy it Rose' James smiles to me. 

'Here you are' Olive smiles bringing us our food and drinks, 'Thank you Olive' James and I both say at the same times smiling. 'mmmmhh, this is goood' James smiles as he eats his sandwich, 'I agree, its one of my favourites' I smile back. 'Howard got the photos back' I tell James 'really?' James smiles, 'yeah, he's got copies for each of us. We should all met up so I can give them to you all' I smile. 'i would like that Doll, I cant wait to see how they turn out' James smiles. 

After we had finished eating we said our goodbye to Olive and that we would see her again soon, James walks me back to the office where I take him to my workshop with the car. All on the floor are the different parts of the car laid out in sections, my bench was full of tools, oils, wax and anything else I might need. 'wow' James smiles, 'it will look better when it's all back together' I say, 'I am amazed at how you know how to do this on your own' James says looking at the car engine. 'I read a lot, I also have this book for help if needed, but like Howard we have a high IQ' I  reply. 

There's a knock at the door, 'Yes' I call. 'Miss Stark, your Delivery's here' they say, 'Thanks, I'll be right there' I reply. Walking toward the trolley I head to the door, 'Where ya going Doll?' James asks, 'to pick up an order, I think its the new set of tires for the car' I reply 'Would you like some help?' he asks 'Sure Jamie, thank you' I reply smiling. Together we walk toward the reception where I am showed where my tires are, I begin to load the tires onto the trolley, 'I'll help you Doll' James smiles helping me load the tires, I also had a box of new parts and another with leads, there was a third box which had a tool box and tools in. This one was slightly larger 'can I help Rose?' James asks me 'yes please, this one is heavier as it is full of tools in a tool box.' I reply. 

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