2 - Steve

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Introducing Steve.

Name: Steve Rogers
Dob   : 4th july 1918
Parents: Sarah and Joseph Rogers


Hi Steve Rogers. This is the story of how I meet my friends Bucky and Rosemary, (rose)

I never knew my dad as he died before I was born. I was picked on by bullies quite often until I met bucky which you will find out later.

I enjoy hanging out with my friend and going on adventures. People who know us call us the 3 amigos as we are alway together looking out for each other, quite often it's bucky saving me and Rose.

I met Bucky and Rose at school, I met Bucky first. It was lunch and I was sat under a tree with a sketch pad drawing., I saw some of the older kids  approach me I kept my head down hoping not to draw attention to myself. They snatched the book out of my hands throwing it to each other out of my reach. I jump up trying to get my book back, 'hey give it back' I say trying to get it. One of them push me back, hitting my back on the tree causing me to fall

Out of the corner of my eye I see a taller boy storm over as he reaches me he  pushes them aside grabbing the book of them, he pushed them away before handing the book back to me

'Pick on someone your own size' he says   giving them a hard glare and they go running off. He turns to me holding his hand out. 'Are you okay?' He ask, 'I think' I replied 'James Barnes' he says introducing himself  'Steve rogers' i reply 'sorry about them' James says. 'What have you got to be sorry about, you didn't do it, I should be thanking you.' I reply.

'So Steve, do you want to be friends?' James asks 'I would like that James' i says. James wraps his arm around my shoulder 'call me bucky' james say smiling, and i smiled back. For a few weeks it was just Bucky and I until we met Rosemary.

One day Bucky and I had just come out from lunch when we saw a girl sat on her own on a picnic bench with a book out. 'Let's say hello' he suggest, and we walk over to her.

'May we join you?' Bucky ask, she looks up at us  'sure' she says, before carrying on sketching, 'James barnes' Bucky say holding out his hand, she reaches out hers and shakes his, she looks towards me 'Steve rogers' i says shaking her hand. 'Rosemary Stark,' she says smiling.

'Stark as in?'  I start 'yes as in Howard Stark, he's my brother. She says 'what are you drawing? If you don't mind me asking' Bucky asks 'just something for my brother, him being good at designing stuff, he gave a brief and a deadline to come up with an idea and give him concept sketches.' She says 'wow' we both say.

The 3 Amigos - Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes & Rose StarkWhere stories live. Discover now