5 - meetings Howard

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Howard's pov.

Where is Rose, she was ment to be here by now. 'Is rose here yet?' I ask Marie 'not yet sir.' She replies. I walk back to my desk and sit down working on designs.

'Sir she's here' Marie calls out 15 minutes later 'with some guy too' Marie continues. I walk out to meet her. I see her looking battered and bruised with some guy. How dare he hurt my sister.

I storm over to them 'What in the world did you do to my sister' I say pulling her away from him and begin to push him into the wall, 'how dare you hurt my sister' I say. 'HOWARD!!' Rose shouts 'HOWARD STOP' she shouts again before moving back to the guy. 'It wasn't him. He saved me. He's my friend' she says whilst hugging him 'it's okay doll, I understand what it feels like, I'm the same with my sister' he says kissing the top of her head.

'James barnes' he says holding out a hand 'Howard stark' I reply 'nice to meet you Howard, I've heard great things about you from Rose' James says. 'Let's go somewhere quiet' I suggest, leading them to mine and Rose's office.

'Do you have a first aid kit?' James asks as he sits Rose on a seat kneeling down beside her, 'here you are' I say handing it to him.

Buckys pov

I begin to clean the cut of Roses face. 'What happened' Howard asks. I see Rose look down 'hey doll, you want me to say?' I ask her 'yes' she whispers. I gently lifted up her chin to carry on tending to the cuts.

'I was coming out of school when I saw a bunch of students punching and kicking someone on the floor, I managed to get them away. Which was when I saw it was Rose. They were saying mean things too' I say. 'Can we see ' Howard say, gesturing to her chest Rose looks down again.

I watch as Howard moves to the door 'Marie' he calls out 'yes sir' they reply 'no one is allowed in my office till I say so' he say 'of course sir' they reply. I watch as he proceeds to lock the door and close the blinds. 'It's just now Bud' he says she is still looking down 'hey' I say gently 'your safe' I say gently.

Howard and I both watch as she lifts up her shirt. Her whole chest is covered in bruises. 'Howie, I'm tired' Rose says 'bud?' Howard asks 'did you hit your head?' He asks 'mmmmh' rose replies 'doll you can't sleep just yet, you may have concussion' I say 'but james' she replies 'no buts doll' I say 'why don't you show us what you were working on earlier' I say 'okay' rose replies.

Howard's pov.

I watch as James tends to Rose's injuries. She never had friends growing up but it makes me to see that she has one now. 'Howie, I'm tired' Rose says to me 'bud?' I ask which is my nickname for her 'did you hit your head?' I ask 'mmmmmh' rose replies trying to fall asleep. 'doll you can't sleep just yet, you may have concussion' james says 'but james' she replies 'no buts doll' he says 'why don't you show us what you were working on earlier' James suggested 'okay' rose replies.

I watch as rose gets up of the chair walking over to her bag, 'thank you James' I say 'what for?' James asks 'for helping my sister' I reply 'That's okay Howard, she's my friend. I'll do anything to make sure she's okay.' James replies. 'I care about her' he continues.

'Here we are' rose says walking over to us. We walk over to my desk and I pull over the other chair from Rose's desk. 'You sit James' rose tells him placing her sketch book on my desk. 'Come here doll' James says holding his arms out. Rose moves to sit on his lap, I watch as James wraps his arms around her.

'How's your brief coming along?' I ask Rose, 'almost done' she replies opening the book and flicking to the page. 'Amazing sketching Rose' James says 'very detailed' James continues. 'I agree Bud, the next thing to do is make a prototype' I say. 'Which we can do at the weekend' I say. 'Okay Howie, but I was planning on meeting up with James and Steve at the weeknend' she says 'you still can,' I say. 'We can work on it in the morning, then you can meet up for lunch before coming back to carry on in the afternoon' I suggested.

It's just twigged she said someone else she's meeting, 'wait, who is Steve?' I ask 'my other friend.' Rose says 'Met him and James today at lunch' she continues, 'don't worry Howard. Steve is friendly' Rose says smiling. 'Tell you what Doll, I can come pick you up and bring back. If that's okay with Howard?' James suggested, 'that's okay with me' I reply smiling.

We spend the next hour chatting and getting to know each other. Rose and I walk James out 'see you tomorrow?' Rose asks 'of course doll, see you at lunch' James says smiling. I watch him kiss her cheek before waving good bye.

Rose's pov

We just said goodbye to James. Howard seemed to like him 'he likes you Bud' Howard tells me, I feel myself blushing. 'And you like him?' He asks 'I do but it's not just him I like someone else too' I tell him

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