15 - asking the question

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Steve's pov

I went to meet Bucky at his place, when i arrived we went up to his bedroom. 'How did it go?'  I ask him 'it went really well Steve' Bucky says 'I made her a chocolate cake, which she loved. Ma loves her' he says. I could see his face light up talking about her. We all knew we loved each other, but in reality we couldn't all be together publicly, I knew what I needed to do. Bucky is the better person to be with her.

'Buck?' I ask him 'yeah' he replies 'I've been thinking' I start 'about us and Rose' I say 'okay' he replies 'how ever much I would want to be with you and Rose, like be in a relationship the three of us, the world won't accept it' I say 'I just want to say I'm okay and happy for you to be with Rose,' I say 'that's if you want to' I add quickly.

Bucky looks at me, 'I understand where your coming from Pal. But I think before we decide anything we should talk to Rose. Its only fair' bucky tells me 'that doesn't mean we can't do things as a trio. Who care what other people think, it's about us and how we feel' bucky says.

The was a knock at the door and ma enters 'hi boys' ma says 'hi ma' we both reply 'you all okay' she ask 'yea just talking about' bucky starts 'Rose?' Ma says. We both nod 'well, I know that Rose loves you both, if the three of you want to be together I'm okay with it. I just want you all to be happy' ma says 'thanks ma' we reply.

Buckys pov

Steve and I were currently sat on my bed chatting, Buck?' Steve asks 'yeah' i replies 'I've been thinking' I start 'about us and Rose' he says 'okay' i reply 'how ever much I would want to be with you and Rose, like be in a relationship the three of us, the world won't accept it' he says 'I just want to say I'm okay and happy for you to be with Rose,' Steve say 'that's if you want to' he adds quickly.

I looks at steve, 'I understand where your coming from Pal. But I think before we decide anything we should talk to Rose. Its only fair' I tell steve 'that doesn't mean we can't do things as a trio. Who care what other people think, it's about us and how we feel' I say.

The was a knock at the door and ma enters 'hi boys' ma says 'hi ma' we both reply 'you all okay' she ask 'yea just talking about' I start 'Rose?' Ma says. We both nod 'well, I know that Rose loves you both, if the three of you want to be together I'm okay with it. I just want you all to be happy' ma says 'thanks ma' we reply.

Ma left the room, 'remember when we first told Rose about how we felt' I said to Steve, 'I remember' Steve replies 'remember that I said that Rebecca said she accept and is okay with us, and Howard said the same as ma and Rebecca' I say. 'Why don't we ask Rose to come over tomorrow afternoon school and we can talk to her about it' I suggest. 'That's a good idea Buck, you alway know the right thing to say' Steve says 'you too punk' Steve replies smiling. 

~ Monday lunch ~

Buckys pov

Steve and I were sat at our usual table waiting for Rose, 'you okay Steve?' I ask 'nervous' he replies 'same' I reply 'it'll be okay'. 'Hey James, Hey Steve' we look to see Rose walking towards us 'Hey doll' I reply 'Hey rose' Steve replies. She sits down on the table with us.

'Rose?' I ask 'yea James' she answers 'would you like to come round tonight? Steve and I would like to talk to you about something' I ask 'sure, I'll have to go via the office to see Howard to let him know' I say. 'That okay,  we can meet up at the end of the day and go let Howard know on the way to mine' I suggest. 'That's okay with me, Steve you want to come too?' She asks Steve 'sure' he replies.

It was almost time to head back to lesson, 'meet here after school?' I suggested 'sure' Steve replies 'sure, see you both later' Rose says. We all walk back to our classes going our separate ways.

~ end of day ~

Rose's pov

Class had just finished, I was on my way to meet James and Steve. As I walk out I see them laughing with each other, James is the first to see me, he gives me a wave and smile 'ROSE!!!' James shouts I run over to them 'Hey Jamie, hey Stevie' 'hey rose' Steve says they both pull me into a hug. 'You guys ready?' I ask, 'yeah' they both say.

James stands on my left side and wraps his arm around my shoulder, Steve stands on my right side, 'how do you feel about meet Howard again ?' I ask Steve 'nervous' he replies.

Once we arrive at the building we walk straight in 'miss Stark, Mr barnes' Charlotte the receptionist says 'afternoon Charlotte, Where's Howard?' I ask. 'Mr stark is in the workshop miss stark' she replies  'thank you' I reply James and I begin to walk away Steve begins to follow 'excuse me sir' Charlotte calls out to Steve 'Mr Rogers is with me' I say. 'Does Mr stark know?' She asks 'yes Mr Rogers and Mr Barnes are known to Mr Stark' I reply. 'Let go see Howard' I say.

When we reach the workshop I see Howard busy 'hey howie' I say, he spins round lifting up his goggles 'hey Rose hey guys. You all okay?' He asks 'yes, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to James home' I tell Howard. 'Thanks for letting me know, I'll see you when I get home' Howard says. 'You both keep her safe, okay' Howard tells James and Steve 'of course we will Howard' James says 'I'll make sure she gets home safe.' We say goodbye to Howard before heading to James place.

'We're home Ma' James calls out, I see ma pop her head out of the kitchen 'hello loves, I'll call you all when teas ready' ma says 'ta ma' we all say before heading up to James room.

We all sit on his bed, 'Rose we wanted to talk to you' James says. 'You remember us saying that we both were in love with  you' Steve says. I nod my head, 'we both want to be in a relationship with you, we have people who accept us.' James says 'but we both think that James is the best person to be with publicly' Steve says, 'I don't want to hurt your feelings' I say.

Buckys pov

We all sit on my bed, Rose we wanted to talk to you' I say. 'You remember us saying that we both were in love with  you' Steve says. Rose nods her head, 'we both want to be in a relationship with you, we have people who accept us.' I say 'but we both think that James is the best person to be with publicly' Steve says, 'I don't want to hurt your feelings' rose says looking down.

'Hey Rose, its okay. I'm okay with it' Steve say hugging her. 'Would you like to be my girl?' I ask her 'I would James' rose says 'if I could be Steve's aswell when it's just us and our family' rose says, Steve smile 'I'd like that'.

' I love you' Rose says smiling 'I love you too' I reply smiling. 'Kiss your girl buck' Steve says.

The 3 Amigos - Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes & Rose StarkWhere stories live. Discover now