6 - Lunch Time meet ups

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Buckys pov.

It is now wensday, I met Howard Stark yesterday after Rose getting hurt. He seems very friendly but also so protective of her.  I was amazed at her design, we are still meeting up on Saturday for lunch but I offered to pick her up and bring her back which Howard was okay with.

I have just finished class for lunch, as I head outside I pass Rose's class to see her lesson still going on. 'Right pack up for lunch' I hear her teacher say. I decide to wait for her, I lean against the wall. I see some of the class come out then Rose comes out 'hey Doll' I call out smiling at her and waving 'hey James. What a lovely suprise' she replies 'you ready for lunch?' I ask as put my arm around her 'yes I am. I can't wait to see steve' she says 'me too' I reply. I notice some girls from her class staring at us.

We walk outside to see Steve already sat at our table 'hey Steve!' We call out, he turns to face us 'Hey bucky hey rose' Steve replies. We sit down at the table to begin eating.

'Hey Rose?' Steve asks looking up at her 'yeah' she replies 'what happened?' He asks 'erm' Rose starts but then hids her head in my shoulder, I see why. It's the group from yesterday, and they are walking over to us.

I go to respond when, 'oh hey jamie' the leader of the group says 'firstly that's not my name it's Bucky. Secondly what do you want?' I say 'well Jamie we want you to sit with us, not these looser' she says. I see Steve start to move 'Steve, stay' I say calmly 'no ta. I'm okay here' I reply. 'Uh why are you hang around these loosers' one of the others says 'because they are my friends' I reply wrapping my arm around Rose. I watch as the all turn on their heels and stomp away.

'It's okay Doll, they have gone now' I say kissing the top of her head and rubbing her arm. 'Since when did you call Rose Doll, Buck?' Steve asks 'yesterday' rose whispers

Steve's pov

It's now Thursday, I had just finished class for lunch and was heading out to meet Rose and Bucky when I bump into someone. 'Sorry' I say before quickly walking away 'hey punk' the person says  I turn around to see bucky 'hey buck' I say walking back to him 'what are you doing here?' I ask 'waiting for Rose' he replies Smiling 'you like her don't you?' I ask 'maybe,' he replies.

We wait and watch as her teacher dismisses the class and they all begin to leave, 'hey Rose' we both call out to her. 'Hey Steve, Hey James' rose replies walking towards us. 'How was class?'  Bucky asks 'meh it was okay' she replies and we begin to walk to our table.

Luckily today's lunch we weren't interrupted by girls wanting Bucky to sit with them. What can I say all the girls want to be with him but he says that he is more than happy with Rose and I.

Rose's pov

Friday. Finally it's the end of the week. This class seemed to drag. The teacher is making us all stay later, I see James waiting outside, he holds up his hand to wave at me, I smile back. The teacher seemed to notice, she walks over to the door 'can I help you Mr Barnes' she say angry that her lessons being interrupted 'I'm just waiting for Rose' he replies 'well Mr Barnes. I'm still teaching so you can wait for Miss Stark outside' she says. I watch as James walks away.  'Now that interruption is gone finish the work in complete silence' miss yelled.

I gulped as I could tell I was going to get punished. I could feel Miss staring at me. 'Right class off to lunch and don't be late' everyone starts to pack away and leave 'Miss Stark a word' she says I walk over to her 'kindly ask your boyfriend not to wait outside my classroom for you again' she says 'he's not my boyfriend miss' I reply. 'DID YOU JUST ANSWER BACK TO ME MISS STARK' miss  yelled. 'HOLD OUT YOU HANDS' miss shouted.  I did as I was told and hold out my hands. I saw her reach for the cane that was behind her desk.

Miss lifted up the cane above her head 'Count to 5 Miss Stark' Miss tells me. 'Thwak' went the cane 'one' I said quietly 'Louder, again' 'thwak' 'one' I said Louder, over and over till 'Thwak' 'five' I say 'don't let it happen again' miss says 'yes miss. Sorry miss' I say before leaving. *

I head outside and I see James and Steve sat our usual table, I walk away before they see me.

Buckys pov

After getting told of by Rose's teacher for waiting for her I walk away to meet Steve at the table. When I get out there I see Steve sat there waiting. 'Where's Rose?' He asks 'still in class. Teacher shouted at me for waiting for her.' We sit and wait for her to come out. I see some of her class coming out, but she wasn't there.

A few minutes later I notice her walking out she looks over at us before walking away somewhere diffrent. 'I'll be back steve' I tell him. 'Okay' he replies going back to his drawing. I walk over to where she went, I find her sat against a wall with her hands wrapped around her waist.

'Rose?' I ask 'oh hi Buck.' She replies. Sometimes wrong, she never calls me buck 'what's wrong' I ask sitting down next to her. 'Why are you hiding your hands' 'it doesn't matter buck, go back to steve' she says 'it does matter. I care about you Rose' I say.

Rose's pov

'Rose?' I hear a voice ask 'oh hi Buck.' I reply. 'what's wrong' he asks sitting down next to me. 'Why are you hiding your hands' 'it doesn't matter buck, go back to steve' i say 'it does matter. I care about you Rose' he says. I just don't want him to think it's his fault. 'Okay' I say softly, I move my hands so he can see. 'Oh Rose I'm sorry' he says looking at me holding my hands 'why are you sorry. Its not your fault, Buck'.

He begins to kiss my hands 'that tickles buck' I say giggling. 'It's making you feel better.' James says 'let's go back to steve' he says. James stands up before helping me up, he wraps his arm around my shoulder. 'I bet your hungry' James says carrying my bag 'I am' I reply.

'You okay Rose?' Steve asks as we sit down. 'I am now thanks' I say. James moves his arm around my waist, I lean my head on his shoulder as I eat.

It was soon time to head back to class. We all head back inside and go our separate ways. We had arranged to meet for lunch tomorrow at a cafe, which James had offered to pick me up.

(A/N * - in this section it mentions Rose getting the Cane. This used to be a form of punishment in schools. In the uk this was stopped in 1986 or 1998 in private schools) - 'http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/february/25/newsid_2516000/2516621.stm'

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