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Cianni's POV

I watched as she drove away. Deep down, I knew I'd screwed up big time by ratting out Kyle. I'd had so much bottled up inside that it all just came spewing out like word vomit. But in the process of unburdening myself, I'd screwed over Kyle. Now, he was going to get the worst of it - all because of me.

"She's a charmer isn't she?"

I jumped at Lilian's voice, coming from close behind me.

"Okay seriously Lily, you've got to start finding better ways to announce yourself!" I snapped while holding onto my chest, but it wasn't intentional.

Her face suddenly went cold and I immediately regretted it when she walked away without another word.

"Wait, Lily, I'm-

I heard her door slam shut from upstairs and I frowned from the response.

That was.... odd.

Assuming all she needed was a little extra rest, I just brushed it off and headed upstairs to my room. I was tired myself.


Lilian's POV

"Is she prettier than me?"

I chortled at her arrogance, not that it was much of a surprise.

"Honestly? She's not that bad looking. Younger than us, for sure. I don't know, probably in her early twenti-

"It was a simple yes or no question. I didn't ask you to go into detail. Where is she now??"

"She's still conked out in her room. But you should've been here to see the way she shoved Simone off of her when they got caught. It was hilarious."

Maria just sighed on the other line.

"This is out of the question. She truly believes she can replace all this woman with some pathetic, homeless whore? How insulting!"

"I wouldn't worry too much about it. I mean, in comparison, you blow her out of the water. What she lacks in beauty and style, you make up for in spades. Plus, you have money and a more established background. In plenty of ways, you're a step above her. Sure, she's got youth and beauty for now, but she doesn't have much else in the bank."

Worse case scenario, though—Simoné actually pursues her. Then Maria is screwed, for real. Simoné is going to make sure that young woman has the world and there will REALLY be no competition here. The only reason Maria even has what she has now, is because Simoné let her keep what was left of their marriage. Nothing was entirely hers. Their whole life was built on Simoné's largesse and generosity.

"This is why I love you, Lily. You always know just what to say."

"You know I'm here for you, darling. You will always be my favorite, no matter what."

I could sense her smile from the other line. "Let me know if anything else happens. Talk to you soon, love ya."

"Will do. Love you much." And with that I hung up.


Cianni's POV

Squinting against the bright sunlight beaming in through the windows, I sat up slowly in bed. The sweet, fresh scent of warm Baked brownies filled the air of house, and my stomach grew growl at the tantalizing aroma.

I turned to the nearest clock and saw that it was only an hour left before Simoné would get home. I couldn't really deny the excitement I felt knowing she'd been home soon. I'm already missing her.

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