𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙨

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Her home was absolutely stunning. I couldn't even believe my eyes. It was huge with high ceilings and gleaming chandeliers, further into the scenery. I also noticed an elegant and lengthy staircase to the far right, that probably led up to a few bedrooms and bathrooms. I wouldn't be surprised if she had at least five of each. She had everything from fine paintings of herself and delicate rugs, probably made from real fur. Simoné had wandered off somewhere after telling me to make myself at home, but of course I just simply took a seat on the nearest sofa. This place was too huge to be strolling around on my own. I was going to need a tour, first.

From here, I can see where her kitchen and dining area is. They were divided into two but both areas was larger than an average home. What does she do for business to be living this kind of lifestyle? I'm not complaining but sheesh..

I'll definitely have to ask her when she comes back.

"You must be Cianni?"

I jumped at the rich voice as a small lady appeared around the corner. She approached me, with an inviting smile, offering out her hand for me to shake. She looked about middle age and she was dressed in some sort of uniform.

I nodded and grinned shyly as I shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure meeting you. I'm Lilian. Follow me. Boss Johnson has ordered for me to get you settled."

"Boss Johnson?" I questioned while standing up and the woman rose a brow.

"Why, yes. I work as a maid for Ms Johnson. Do you address her any other way?"

I shrugged, assuming she was referring to none other than Simoné, but why would I have to address her by her last name? With "boss" before it, at that. "She only told me her first name."

"Oh? Interesting..." The woman started towards the steps, but my curiosity only grew stronger from her short, bland response.

"Well- am I supposed to call her 'boss' too?" I asked, while following her up the stairs. "I mean, I didn't know..."

"I suppose not, if she only told you her first name. Besides, you don't work for her."

Work for her....that reminds me...

We were now at the top of the staircase, at the entrance of a long hallway, full of rooms. "Uhm, question...what does Simoné do for business? Like how can she afford all of...this?" I gestured my hands around all of the scenery near us.

"Oh dear, boss is one of the most powerful mafia leaders in the industry. Didn't she tell you? That is why it is important that we address her as such." She added, almost causing me to choke on my own spit.

E-excuse me? One of the most powerful what??

"Here's the room in which you will be sleeping. All of your toiletries are located inside your walk-in bathroom, over on the left hand corner. There's also fresh clothing already laid out for you on top of your bed. Undergarments can be found inside the drawers beneath your dresser. Can I help you with anything else, sweetheart?"

Pretty much everything Lilian explained to me after the 'mafia' part, kind of drifted out the other ear. I could barely even allow myself the chance to be captivated by the scenery of the bedroom. I was practically frozen, the only thing functioning, being the speed rate in which my heart was pounding. Irregularly.

I knew she had to be an important figure, but not in this way. I don't know much about people of her kind, but I'm familiar enough. They are reckless, merciless, insensitive and some are even psychopathic murderers. It has been said that if a mafia member lures you into their home, without you working for them, you'll never make it out alive.
Don't ask where I read that from. Just know it's a possibility that I will die here tonight or even be tortured to death.

𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞|| 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐱Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora