Chapter 30: Street Brawl

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Standing on the street, where now hardened flesh covered the ground, Todo, Jaune, and Mahito engaged in a tense standoff with Grimm attempting to climb up the flesh, only to be swallowed whole. The sky was obscured by smoke and dust, preventing any sight of the moon or the Atlas airships.

In the distance, cries of people mingled with the roars of Grimm and the incessant gunfire. Jaune had no idea what was happening to everyone else, but he maintained trust in their ability to survive. However, that trust wavered after what happened to Pyrrha.

He understood the objective clearly: defeat Mahito for good, protect as many people as possible, and head to Beacon to prepare for the battle against the Grimm. A hunter's duty was to hunt, and the hunt wasn't over until the prey was vanquished.

Yet, in this chaotic battle, it was unclear who was the hunter and who was the prey. Hordes of elongated flesh with mouths began to emerge from the ground, launching themselves at Jaune with incredible speed. He dodged each bite narrowly, slapping punches at each one, causing them to explode on impact. It seemed these forms prioritized speed over defense.

Jaune landed back on the flesh along with Todo, both experiencing the disorienting sensation of being flung through the air. Mahito smirked, taunting Jaune, "Try harder, Jaune! This is our last chance to curse each other!"

Focused on Jaune, Mahito seemed to disregard Todo, who noticed being ignored. "Yo, are you trying to forget me?" Todo smirked, raising his hand in a clapping position.

Jaune exchanged a glance with Todo, an unseen and unspoken conversation sparking between them as they prepared for what was to come.

In a synchronized move, Todo clapped, and Jaune switched places with Mahito. Caught off guard, Mahito found himself immobilized by Todo while Jaune charged towards them. Leaping into the air, Jaune aimed a high roundhouse kick at Mahito, but Mahito, anticipating the attack, twisted his head around his still body, separating it and sending it flying into the air as Jaune's kick missed its target.

"He separated his own head?" Jaune exclaimed, bewildered, as Mahito's body began to undergo a grotesque transformation. Limbs sprouted from the neck stump, and strange eyes resembling those of a snail formed as Mahito's arm morphed into an unfamiliar shape. Todo noticed the changes and leaped back, followed by Jaune, who executed a quick backflip to distance himself from the evolving monstrosity.

 Todo noticed the changes and leaped back, followed by Jaune, who executed a quick backflip to distance himself from the evolving monstrosity

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Mahito's arms transformed into whip-like appendages, each flick of his wrist launching flesh arrows in various directions. Jaune and Todo swiftly dodged and evaded the onslaught, leaping and sliding below each strike as they attempted to close the distance and neutralize Mahito's body.

Meanwhile, Mahito's head bounced away, morphing into miniature arms and legs. Giggling maniacally, Mahito's head raced around them at high speed, his makeshift limbs propelling him with astonishing agility. Jaune and Todo remained focused, their movements coordinated as they worked together to outmaneuver Mahito's relentless assault and subdue his body.

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