Chapter 15: Curse Hunt Part 3

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Jaune: Mahito!

Professor Oobleck turned towards the voice, his expression a mix of confusion and surprise, while Neo redirected her attention to Mahito, now fixated on him as a new target for her anger. With her freedom regained, she was determined not to be caught off guard by him again.

Mahito: Impressive speed, Jaune-kun~ But I'll have you know, I'm even faster and smarter.

Mahito: My speed has been significantly enhanced through this exquisite transfiguration~

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Mahito: My speed has been significantly enhanced through this exquisite transfiguration~

He displayed his horse legs with an air of pride, although the sight was more unsettling than impressive, particularly considering the malevolent nature of his curse.

Meanwhile, Neo tugged on Jaune's sleeve, signaling her lack of weaponry and presenting a choice.

Neo: "Fight or escape, I don't have my weapon."

Jaune understood her message after reading her lips. He turned his attention to Mahito, who was now smirking as he observed Neo.

Mahito: Is she inquiring about her umbrella weapon?

With a disturbing transformation of his jaw, Mahito enlarged his mouth and expelled a pink umbrella covered in saliva. Neo's eyes widened in shock, while Jaune and Professor Oobleck recoiled in disgust at the curse's revolting display.

Mahito: I knew you would yearn for the return of this item. You hold a profound attachment to this umbrella, don't you? It's more than just a weapon; it's intertwined with your identity.

Neo's eyes widened further, her heart racing as a wave of cold and nausea swept over her. She dreaded the thought of what this abhorrent being might do to her beloved possession.

Mahito: The past must be acknowledged and left behind. You've moved on, yet its lingering presence affects you in the present, Neo. Join me instead of Roman. I assure you, you'll survive as our grand designs unfold.

His words sent tremors through Neo, and Jaune picked up on her unease.

Mahito: That Roman fellow may cling to life for a while, but his time is limited. I can guarantee his eventual demise. On the other hand, you possess the potential for survival. Even if you were to betray the manipulative woman who controls Roman and the one who order's that women who is Remnant big boss. You'll all eventually succumb to Their arrival. However, you can prove valuable to me and Them.

With an almost tender expression and a disingenuous smile, Mahito extended his hands in a gesture that belied his true nature.

Mahito: Join Us, Neopolitan.

Mahito: Join Us, Neopolitan

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Dark Symphony (RWBY X Jaune Arc X Sukuna)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora