Chapter 26: Life Is But A Story

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Within the subways of Vale, monsters emerged. They weren't Grimm, but rather creatures resembling characters from horror stories. Despite their human-like appearance, their behavior was more monstrous, resembling creatures far more ominous than the usual Grimm.

A lone man traversed the eerie tunnels, his once white shirt and yellow tie replaced by tattered remains. His glasses were nowhere to be found, and what was most recognizable about him was his appearance as a walking corpse. This figure was none other than Doctor Oobleck.

 This figure was none other than Doctor Oobleck

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"Atlas... I always wanted to go to a different serenity than Vale. I really want to discover all sorts of mysteries and myths that Remnant has, never documented..." Oobleck monologues to himself, his gaze lost in a trance of pure illusions. Cold, snowing days in Atlas, hot, sandy seasons in Vacuo and Mistral festivals and music flashed before his mind.

This vision persisted as a horde of human-like monsters stared him down while he walked down the stairs toward them.

"I can't go to them yet... I need to protect my city and its people... Where is Jaune? What of my other students...? I'm tired... no... rather I am exhausted... I want to rest..." Oobleck's monologue continued as he swung at the cursed humans, killing them one by one with a broken bat that had coffee stains across it. Each swing he made used every ounce of strength left in his broken-down body.

He had a mission... protect the civilians from the Grimm. However, he was not fighting Grimm but rather killing humans, or at least beings that were once human. Did he like this?

"I hate killing... I don't even like harming others, even if they are like this... I want to go around Remnant, discover secrets, and teach the importance of knowledge to the future generation. This is why I became a doctor/professor in the first place" he thought to himself, feeling as if his entire life was being retold to him.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Desperate cries of anguish echoed through the tunnels as Doctor Oobleck did not falter in the face of the enemies. With each killing blow to the cursed humans, he felt the weight of their sins piling up on his back. However, he had to continue.

Swing, Kill, Swing, Kill, Get Punched, Swing, Kill, Swing, Kill, Get Punched, Swing, Kill, Swing, Kill, Get Punched, Swing, Kill, Swing, Kill, Get Punched, Swing, Kill, Swing, Kill, Get Punched, Swing, Kill, Swing, Kill, Get Punched.

Fighting for survival and killing poor souls forced upon a fate worse than death, every drop of sweat and blood that dripped from him seemed nothing compared to the pain he endured to save those lost individuals.

The frosty caress of the snow, delicately kissing every surface, contrasted seamlessly with the soothing warmth emanating from the sun-kissed sand beneath his feet. The symphony of music and the gentle dance of lights enveloped him, creating an enchanting atmosphere that transported him to another world. It wasn't just a sensation... it was an immersive journey, as if he had stepped into a realm where the tactile embrace of winter and the comforting heat of summer converged into a harmonious dance of contrasting elements. Every nuance of the moment painted a vivid tapestry of beauty, making him feel not just living but truly alive in the embrace of an extraordinary experience.

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