Chapter 3: New Faces Part 1

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Jaune, now 17 years old, stood at a distance, gazing at Beacon Academy in the distance. Determined to become a Huntsman, he set off towards the bullhead station in the town of Vale. Jaune had trained extensively with his curse energy, learning to adapt without relying on Sukuna's assistance. He had grown accustomed to the presence of the malicious entity within his soul, although it still shook him to the core.

Arriving at the station, Jaune boarded the airship, joining the other students who were filled with nervous chatter. Seeking a moment of solitude, he found an empty spot at the back and sat down, closing his eyes to focus on the curse energy surrounding him.

Jaune: Many people are nervous.

Unbeknownst to him, someone responded to his statement.

?????: It makes sense.

Jaune opened his eyes to find a black-haired girl before him.

Jaune: True, it's Beacon, a chance for them to change their fate.

The girl raised an eyebrow in surprise.

?????: An interesting way to put it, but it's true nevertheless.

Jaune: So, who are you?

The girl hesitated for a moment before answering.

Blake: I'm Blake Belladonna.

Jaune: Belladonna... It sounds familiar...

Blake flinched slightly, but Jaune shrugged it off.

Jaune: No matter. I'm Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you, Blake.

He extended his hand, and Blake hesitantly shook it.

Blake: I see.

Having spent time with Sukuna, Jaune had lost much of his nervousness and displayed a newfound confidence. Blake sat down nearby, engaging in quiet conversations with him as the airship took off, heading towards Beacon.

When the ship finally landed and the doors opened, Jaune and Blake were among the last to step out. Jaune expressed his excitement.

Jaune: Ah, Beacon... Finally, we're here.

Blake observed Jaune.

Blake: You must have wanted to come here for a long time.

Jaune nodded, a smile brightening his face.

Jaune: I have. It's been a dream of mine since I was younger.

Blake chuckled lightly.

Blake: Well, it's good that you're finally here, then.

As they took their first step forward, an explosion echoed in the distance, accompanied by a small dust cloud. Jaune's curiosity got the better of him, and he ran towards the scene, with Blake following at a more leisurely pace.

Arriving at the scene, Jaune found two girls covered in dust.

White Hair Girl: Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!

Girl: I'm really, really sorry!

White Hair Girl: Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?

Girl: Well, I-I...

Jaune interjected.

Jaune: Excuse me?

The girl looked at him, caught off guard.

Girl: Huh?

The white-haired girl shifted her attention to Jaune.

Jaune: Are both of you alright?

The white-haired girl, responded first.

White Hair Girl: We're lucky, thanks to these children.

The girl attempted to correct The White Hair Girl.

Girl: Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!

Blake approached the scene, offering additional information about Weiss and her family's company. This triggered Weiss, causing her to storm off with her luggage handlers in tow. The girl glanced at Weiss.

Girl: I promise I'll make this up to you!... I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day. So, what's...

Ruby turn to Blake who began walking away, calling out to Jaune.

Blake: Are you coming, Jaune?

Jaune shook his head.

Jaune: Perhaps soon. I'm still worried about them after that explosion.

Blake nodded and left, engrossed in her book. Observing Blake's departure, Jaune couldn't help but notice her kind nature.

Blake's thoughts: He has a soft heart...

The girl stumbled, nearly falling to the ground, but Jaune caught her by the hands, surprising her.

Girl: Huh?

Jaune: Perhaps lying on the ground isn't the best move.

The girl let out a sigh and nodded.

Girl: Yeah... Welcome to Beacon...

She muttered the last part to herself, but Jaune heard it.

Jaune: Welcome to Beacon.

The girl looked at him once more.

Girl: Aren't you going with your friend?

She referred to Blake.

Jaune shook his head.

Jaune: No, but are you alright? That explosion could have been dangerous.

The girl chuckled lightly.

Girl: I'm fine. I'm tough!

She flexed her arms, but after a few seconds of silence, her confidence waned, and she looked down. Jaune patted her shoulder.

Jaune: No need to worry about anything. We should get going to the assembly to welcome the new students.

He spoke with an upbeat tone and a reassuring smile, trying to encourage the girl. Her smile returned, and she nodded.

Girl: Let's go, then!

Happily, she walked ahead, with Jaune following closely behind.

Dark Symphony (RWBY X Jaune Arc X Sukuna)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora