Chapter 4: New Faces Part 2

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Jaune and the girl walked around Beacon, taking in the sights of the trees, architecture, and the winding road alongside a river. They introduced themselves to each other.

Jaune: The name's Jaune Arc! It's nice to meet you. Ah...?

Ruby: Ruby, Ruby Rose.

Jaune: Ruby Rose... Nice name.

Ruby smiled in response to Jaune's friendly gesture.

Ruby: Thanks, you too. So, what's your weapon of choice? This is mine! Crescent Rose!

She pulled out her weapon in its compact form, which then transformed into a sniper rifle attached to a scythe.

Jaune: Whoa! A scythe and a sniper rifle? That's... unique! How does it work exactly?

Ruby grinned and explained.

Ruby: Well, the scythe part is pretty self-explanatory. But check this out!

She pressed a button, and the scythe blade split apart, revealing a rifle barrel.

Ruby: It transforms into a powerful sniper rifle! I can take down enemies from a distance and then switch back to close combat if I need to.

Jaune: I've never seen anything so versatile before.

Jaune's surprise and compliment made Ruby beam with pride and happiness.

Ruby: Thanks! I designed Crescent Rose myself. It took a lot of work, but it's totally worth it.

Jaune: I can imagine. It must have taken a lot of skill and creativity to create something like that. You really put a lot of thought into your fighting style.

Ruby: Yeah, I wanted a weapon that would match my speed and agility. Crescent Rose is perfect for that. My Uncle Qrow did help with its design, but this is my own variant that fits my style.

Jaune: Well, Ruby, I'm impressed. Your weapon is truly remarkable. I can't wait to see it in action.

Ruby: Oh, I have an idea! Maybe we can train together sometime. It'll be fun to show you what Crescent Rose can do once we get into Beacon Academy.

Jaune nodded in agreement.

Jaune: That sounds like a plan, though we need to succeed in the exams first.

Ruby nodded nervously, losing some of her self-confidence.

Ruby: Yeah... I hope I do well...

Jaune patted her shoulder reassuringly with a smile.

Jaune: You will, I'm sure. Just do your best, and you'll get in.

Ruby looked at him in surprise.

Ruby: You really think so...?

Jaune: Of course! Just do your best, and everything will work out.

She nodded with a smile, feeling more determined and grateful towards Jaune.

Ruby: Thanks, and I know you'll do well with your weapon... by the way, what exactly is your weapon?

Jaune: I am just a Brawler.

Ruby: A brawler, huh?

She looked at Jaune from bottom to top, feeling his arms out of curiosity.

Ruby: You're... quite muscular...

She blushed out of embarrassment and quickly stepped back.

Ruby: S-Sorry! I just got curious and all! I just wondered if your body was like my sister's! Not like I wanted to do anything! I jus-

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