February fourteenth fell on a cold Wednesday, and any other day she probably would have skipped breakfast. But not today. With a spring in her step she practically ran down to the Great Hall, smiling brightly at anyone and anything that crossed her path.

Historically Cora was a bit of a hater of love. She scowled at displays of affection, and made snide comments at couples. So this was a huge change from her normal demeanour, but she guessed that was what love did to you. While they hadn't said it - that would be crazy they had barely started dating. But even so Cora was pretty sure she was in love with the poor boy. She hadn't felt much love in her life, but based upon the little she had, and all that she had read and heard, she was pretty confident she loved Fred Weasley.

She hated to be away from him, she smiled every time he was near. Whenever she learnt something new he was the first person she longed to tell. He was her person, and truthfully she hoped to spend her whole life with him.

The Great Hall was bustling, it seemed everyone was in the same good mood, one that made breakfast appealing. The only other morning of the year it was this busy was end of term.
Her friends had beaten her there, and were all sitting at their usual place in the middle of the Gryffindor table. Amelia and George were whispering quietly, exchanging sweet kisses in between their words. Lee was reading the prophet, making disgusted faces every few moments at the couple across from him.
But her friends were not her concern at that moment, it was the green eyes staring back at her. Her smile was uncontrollable as she reached him, scrunching her nose at his little wave.
He stood up from his chair, and any other day Cora would have shied away from his kiss, but today she felt no shame, even in the middle of the Great Hall.

It was short and sweet, but that was all Cora needed.

"Happy Valentines Day my love." His voice was low, as he leant in and kissed all over her face, cheeks, forehead and nose. Cora couldn't help her giggle, squirming under his affection.

"You are so silly!" After she was finally released from his grip the two took their seats, intertwining their hands under the table. "But happy Valentines."

She pulled out his present from her pocket, it was nothing much, a letter filled with words from the heart, and a few small paintings of Wizard Wheezes products. His eyebrows raised, yet a small smile crept onto his face. "I thought you said no presents till the weekend?" Cora shrugged lightly in response as he opened the letter and looked through all the paintings. "Oh C, thank you, I love them, they're so so cool!"
She blushed brightly as he kissed her forehead.

She didn't really like giving her paintings to others, it was just a hobby after all and they were really nothing special. But Fred was her biggest fan, and always appreciated them. They were properly celebrating on the weekend, as it coincided perfectly with their one-month anniversary. So even though she had told him no presents until then, she was glad she broke her rule. As the smile on his face made her heart warm.

"Ugh. I hate Valentines. It's so gross! You guys are so gross!" It seemed that Lee was still reeling from his breakup from Angelina, and it probably wasn't helping that his four best friends were all dating each other. "I'm so glad I don't have to do all this...sucks to be you guys!"

"You sure about that Lee Lee?" Lee nodded proudly at George, but the rest of their friends simply grinned, as Angelina Johnson approached their table.

"Happy Valentines Day guys!" The two couples waved in response, chiming in various 'thank you's' and 'you too's'. But they all watched smugly as she wrapped her arm around Lee, kissing him hard on the cheek. "Happy Valentines Day Lee..."

He was frozen as she let go of his body, and began to retreat back to where the rest of her friends were still sitting. "...Can't wait for Saturday!" It was the confirmation of their date that caused the two couples to burst out laughing.

CHARMING! ☆ FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now