Part 3: Chapter 28 & 29

Start from the beginning

And suddenly she was gone, leaving only a curl of smoke in the air. 'So there's my answer. Scarlet is alive.' Glory noticed below her were shaking. 'Oh, wait that's me.'
Kinkajou stirred as if she felt Glory shaking, too. She nestled closer and Glory felt sundrenched warmth along her scales.
Slowly she closed her eyes, breathing deeply, and drifted out of the dream.

When she woke up, she knew right away it had been longer than an hour. Silver was crouched in front of her, stroking Glory's nose with a worried expression. The other two were already awake and stretching contentedly.
"Don't you feel better?" Kinkajou asked.
"Yes," Glory admitted. 'And no.'
"Then let's do tree gliding next!" Kinkajou said cheerfully.
"Fine by me," said Mangrove, and Glory nodded. She was too shaken to argue.
"YAY!" Toad loudly shouted from the hammock, loud enough that the whole rain forest probably heard it. "I LOVE TREE GLIDING!"

Glory wondered what Scarlet would think of her becoming queen of the RainWings. She wondered if being queen would make her any safer.

Sunny and Clay waved from their branches down below. 'Should I tell them? I should tell them, but not yet.' Glory wanted to talk to Starflight first, to see what he could remember about dreamvisitors and if he could guess anything about the room she'd seen behind Scarlet. His giant brain was what she needed for a puzzle like this.

As Glory lifted into the sky, setting off a commotion of hidden wings, she wondered where the SkyWing queen was . . . and when she would see her again. 



(This chapter is a little short. So here's an intermission)

Stormcaller walks out in front of everyone, bringing with a large chalk board covered in drawings and writing. He produces a long wooden pointer stick and slightly bends it between his talons before turning to the readers.
"Today's topic," he said, "is bio-energy." He points the stick at the top of the chalk board, which said bio-energy in big, bold letters. "You better remember this because it's going to be important later on."

"Let's start with the basics." Stormcaller pointed the stick to the left side of the board, which had the word basics underlined. "Bio-energy functions much like haki, cursed energy, and chakra from One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Naruto, respectively. It comes from the soul and spreads out through the body. Bio-energy is a negative force that flows through all living things. It isn't measured in amount, but rather in intensity. Monster size classification relies on the intensity of one's bio-energy. Small monsters have an intensity of four thousand or less, medium sized monsters have an intensity four thousand and one to eight thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine, and lastly large monsters have an intensity nine thousand or more."

"Elder dragon level monsters require an intensity of fifteen thousand or more. Elder dragons themselves require an intensity of twenty thousand or more," Stormcaller explained, pointing to multiple numbers and drawings as he talked.
"Bio-energy is absorbed through eating other plants and animals. How ever, most animals and monsters cannot sense bio-energy. Living things slowly lose their bio-energy - some faster than others, like Deviljho, as an example- so they have to eat more than normal to survive and grow stronger."

Stormcaller gestures to the middle and right side of the board, which said the underlined word alterations. "There can be a few uncommon occurrences that can alter the bio-energy of a creature, causing them to grow stronger. Let's start with subspecies." He pointed to a squared of box on the chalk board which said subspecies, and underneath it were drawing of a few monsters. Those being Black Diablos, Red Khezu, Jade Barroth, and Blue Yian kut-ku. Although you could not see the colors, you knew what each monster was because it said their name underneath the drawings.

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