|Chapter 26|

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The next thing I remember when waking up was not being on the streets of Gotham anymore, instead I was in what felt like an enclosed space.

"What the-" I cut myself off short and looked closer around me, it was so dark I could barely see my hand if I stuck it in front of my face. Speaking of my hand, my left hand was cuffed to the wall behind me while my other hand was free.

Feeling around what I could in the small area I was restrained to it felt cold and hard, 'metal', running my hand along the wall I felt ridges every few inches or so.

"What is this?" I mumble to myself.

'I'm so confused. What happened? One moment I was walking down the road to go to the Zeta Tubes and the next I'm here, wherever this is.' I go to sit on the floor trying to relax my legs and to feel what the floor was made of like what I did with the walls.


I thought for a moment what I could be in that matches what I felt around me, but I was to scatter brain to even try guessing.

A few minutes of sitting in silence I was hearing a commotion outside of what I was in, getting louder and louder. Hearing a few creaks ahead of me light started pouring in as what appeared to be doors opened.

Snapping my head away from the blinding light I slowly tried to open them in the corner of the box while holding onto the wall to lift myself up. When my eyes adjusted I looked back at the door that opened and saw two silhouettes.

" Oh, it seems like you snapped out of it. How do you feel? Like you're missing something right? Well it's natural if you do, after all that's what we couldn't fix with you."

One of the voices spoke up and walked further in the room heading to the side of the...container?

More blinding lights turned on and finally let me see what I was sitting in... a shipping container.

"What are you- you're from Cadmus aren't you? What do you want? What did you do to me?" I asked.

"Trust me we intend to fill you in on everything, or at least he is." The man, now illuminated in the light of the container, I could see he was of average height and build, white, and had greying hair while wearing a button up shirt, blue jeans and a white coat over him.

Looking over at the man he was introducing me to looked...familiar, to say the least. Well at least his hair and complexation did, everything else about him seemed foreign.

"Think of it as a family reunion, after all your last moments will be with each other."


Wayne Manor; October 20th; 18:00 ETD(6:00 pm)

Dick's POV

"The others just got back, they couldn't find anything. Canary says she'll look through camera feeds once she gets to the Cave." I tell Bruce once I made my way to the computer he was sitting at. He was fully suited up with files and camera feeds of his own pulled up.

I whistled. "You sure don't waste any time, huh B?"

"I don't trust Cadmus, they wouldn't hesitate to do something if it meant keeping what they do a secret. I had Guardian look further into anything left over from old Cadmus and he sent me some files he couldn't get into."

"Did you make progress?" I asked, walking over to sit on the desk and see what he was currently working on.

"I managed to open one, more information on everything that they did to Zane. He was just a test for getting control over a person's mind, hence the trigger word he has."

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