|Chapter 27|

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Shipping Container; Hours later;

I hear more noise from outside the container before the door is pulled open with a loud and obnoxious screech. It was the first man that I saw earlier, who I now dub 'Hobo'.

"You two got to reconnect?" He starts, letting out a laugh at his own statement. "It looks like it went great!"

"What do you want now?!" I ask, I'm so annoyed and hurt and just...ugh, I don't know how to describe it! I'm just mad!

"I just came to inform you about your father more, since you had the time to talk. I also think that you should know what your purpose was for Cadmus and The Light." He walked only a few more steps inside before leaning on the wall and catching my attention again, but this time when he pulled a small object out of his coat pocket.

He held the item up revealing that it was a small pistol before resting it on his leg and looking up at me and my dad.

I didn't care what he had to say about my dad anymore. I was over the man. I wanted to know what he did to me.

I turned my body more to face Hobo and show him I was listening.

"Just tell me what you did to me." I tell him.

'I don't wanna hear anymore about my family.'

"Wow he really didn't like what you had to say huh?" Hobo says, directing that comment to my Dad, who not once looked up at anyone in the room.

"It's simple with you, really it is. We just borrowed your mind to test something for a long term project of ours. We tell you your word and you do what we had programmed for you to do. Since you were our test there are some...bugs, but at least we worked it out with the other."

"But I really think you deserve to know how your mother died. Granted she wasn't any better but to be killed by her own husband to save himself, wow, you really got off lucky with us."

I look over at my dad and see him finding interest in the floor below us, picking at the wood although he isn't making any progress.

"Why?! Save yourself from what? You already killed someone else to help yourself and look how well that went!" I yelled at him. No matter how much I wanted to stay calm and get this over with, knowing he was involved in killing two people made me want to hate him all over again.

"Why? He wanted to get out of that deal he was a part of. Thinking he could get away with killing a fake you and thinking he could get help from Cadmus by killing his wife. All he did was dig a deeper hole for himself."

As Hobo was about to explain more, him and my dad disappeared right in front of my eyes.


Dick's POV

Bruce disappeared.

Now you might think that that was normal, but when he completely vanished into thin air right in front of me from his spot in front of the computer I guess you could say I was really confused for a while.

I violently shook my head, snapping myself back into reality.

'I can worry about B later he can handle himself, weirder has happened.' I think before throwing myself into the chair Bruce was just in and uploading a set of coordinates into my glove.

Before... whatever happened with Bruce took place, we managed to find Zane's location, or rather Canary did.

Looking through the cameras Canary saw where Zane went missing and managed to get a rough location, after following Zane and the one who took him, through the cameras in town to the ones on a port a few miles out.

It would take a lot of searching in that area since it's a shipping port but I was willing to search, and if I need to I can ask the team for help... well with Connor it really would be quicker. Heat seeking and all.

Once I got the coordinates I rushed over to my bike and started speeding over to get Zane. On the way there I just decide to call Connor to see if he can meet me there to be more efficient.

The moment I called him he instantly picked up on the first ring.

"Do you know what's going on?!" Was the first thing he asked, I could hear the panic in his voice and the chaos all around him.

"Going on? What are you talking about?"

"All the adults just vanished right in front of us! Without warning when we were unloading the ship they just, poofed!"

"That could explain what happened to me earlier, Bats just vanished into thin air right in front of me." I take a sharp turn down to docks before coming to a stop at the front of the port. "What are the others up too?"

"Trying to find out what happened and if it's all the adults that vanished, why?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Do you think you could lend me a hand for a while?" I start to ask, removing my helmet and pulling up a general layout of the port. "Me and B managed to find Zane before he disappeared, and if all the adults are gone it would make it easier to get to him, safer too."

"Sure, I'll make my way over. The others should be able to handle figuring out what's going on without me, just send me your location."

"On it. I'll start looking and scouting out everything, keep your comms on and see you in a bit."

"Robin! I think I found something. There is a faint heat signature coming from a shipping container at the end of the dock."

"Okay you go ahead I'm on my way, make sure it's safe." I say, turning on my heel mid step and making my way to the other side of the port to meet with Superboy.

Once I reached the end of the port I started looking around to see if I could spot Superboy anywhere. Instead of seeing him I saw a container with the doors pretty much torn off. Superboy...

I make my way over and step in to see Superboy already at Zane's side ripping something from the wall and I run over to check.

"You okay Z? What happened!" I ask him with me and Superboy helping him off the floor as he rubbed his wrist.

"I'm okay. What happened with you? How do you guys find me? One minute Hobo was in front of me talking my ear off and the next they disappeared."

"You can fill us in later for now we have to deal with what is going on with the adults not being here." Superboy steps in and gets our attention.

"The adults?" Zane questions.

"All we know is that the adults went missing, the others are looking into it. Speaking of, they might have found something, hopefully, let's get back and get you checked out." I say, pulling up my map again to get us out of this place.




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