|Chapter 7|

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Zane's POV

"Is... something wrong?" I ask as we sit down in a room on the far side of the cave.

"It's nothing bad I promise." She says putting a small smile on her face and getting comfortable in the chair she's in." Me and Batman have done some digging to see what we could about who you are. What was the last thing that you remember?"

I look down for a moment to think as hard as I could. ' I'm pretty sure it was my 10th birthday. I remember that day so well and whenever I try to think past that, it goes right to Cadmus. What was I missing? It couldn't have been much...right? Then why can't I even remember what my parents look like...'

"Z?" I shake my head and look to see that Canary is staring at me with her head cocked to the side.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry, I was thinking." I apologized and sat up more in my chair." The last thing that I can remember was celebrating my 10th birthday. But... I can't even remember what my parents look like so I don't know much else." Ending my sentence with a shrug.

"Are you sure? Even if it is vivid?" She asks.

"...No...I don't know." I felt so useless sometimes. She was asking a basic question, a question that I 'should' know. I just felt like I let her down and I don't know why, I can't force myself to remember.

"It's alright, you can go about your day if you want." She says standing to leave but I stop her.

"Um, actually... I wanted to leave the cave today. It's been awhile and it feels stuffy here." She gives me a small smile.

"Sure thing. I can't go with you since I have things to tend to but I'll tell the League and someone will come get you." I nod at her then she walks out the room leaving the cave. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and slouched down in my chair.

'I really wanted to talk to Canary more, she's been the only one who I spoke with that seems like a normal person. Red is caring to some degree but he isn't a person and Batman somehow seems worse than Red, The ROBOT.' I let out a groan and make my way to my room to change my clothes. I just went for dark blue jeans, a basic red t-shirt, and black boots with a black baseball cap. I've been into wearing hats lately, they were just nice and kept the sun out of my face.

I went to the living room and sat down to wait for someone to come and get me.




My hand slipped off my face as I woke up and sat up more on the couch. I turn to the clock on the wall and see that it's a bit later in the day around 3 pm.

"It's only been 2 hours since they left?" I mumble to myself.

" Are you ready to leave?" I looked over expecting to see Batman since that's the voice I heard, but when I looked it wasn't him, It was a middle aged man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

'That's Batman? I could kind of see it, they share the same scowl on their faces.'

I nod as I get off the couch." Yeah,...But weren't you with the others for a mission?" I ask as I walk over to him and he starts to lead the way to the Zeta Tubes.

"The team is capable of taking care of this, if they need back up then they know to ask." He says. We step into the tubes and appear in an alley way that he starts to lead me out of and I start to look around since I have never been over here before.

"Um, I think they might be too stubborn to ask for help." I point out lightly hopping over a hole in the sidewalk. He lets out a small grumble probably agreeing with me.

"They're a good group. They.... just need to mature a bit and they could be whatever they want." Hearing him speak it sounded like he was really proud of them. I let out a small laugh and I see him raise an eyebrow.

"You should talk honestly about them more, you sound like a proud teacher." He doesn't say anything for a bit and then shakes his head looking back ahead of him.

"What were you planning on doing anyways?" He asks me and I let out a little hum.

" I originally wanted to find something to fidget with, but now I also wanted to see about finding some books to borrow from the library, there isn't much to do at the cave anymore." I started to pull at my fingers as we walked more down the street.

"This place doesn't have the best library, there is one closer to the edge of town, but it won't be fun to walk." I give him another hum to let him know I heard him. We fell into silence as I got lost in my own thoughts. I started thinking about the talk with Canary and when I would think back it would just be of Cadmus. But... It's strange... I don't even remember everything at Cadmus.

'Why am I also missing stuff from there? If anything most of my memories are 'from' Cadmus. What is going on with me? Do I just have a really bad memory?'

"Are you okay? You look like you're thinking hard about something." I snap out of it and look to see Batman stopped walking standing in front of a store.

"Uh, yeah I'm okay." I say as I walk back and into the store to look around. It wasn't anything big but it wasn't small either, and it looked to have an abundance of things in here. I walked around for a bit to try and find their toys, and when I did I had a really hard time trying to figure out which one to get.

I mean how could I choose? I didn't know what most of this was and some looked really hard while others looked soft but cheap to where they would tear.

'Maybe I should just pick one and I'll trial and error it?' Batman walked up and got my attention away from the toys.

"Zane, I need to head back to the cave something came up." I cocked my head a bit as I put down a toy that I was holding to examine.

"What happened?" I ask as we start to walk out the store and back down the sidewalk we came from.

"I'm unsure, the Cave's system is going haywire and I can't contact Red Tornado." He says picking up the pace a bit and I follow suit until we get back to the phone box in the alleyway. Batman walks farther down the alley as I stand near the box curious as to what he was up to until he comes back fully in his other outfit that I was expecting when came to get me earlier.

When we get back to the cave my eyes widen at what's in front of me. The main/training area was a mess, The floor was torn up and the walls had a few dents and scorch marks over it.

"What happened here?" Batman spoke in his brooding voice causing the team to look over at us.

"Yeah about that." Wally starts.


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