|Chapter 13|

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Mount Justice; August 27th; 7:58 am CDT

I sat in the living room by myself with the t.v. on playing a series I didn't care about. I tried to focus on it but it was pointless, my mind kept going back to what Bats told me the other day. Well more specifically the files that we found first about the different Zane's that went missing.

Bats said that now that we had the information from Cadmus he can look more into the case from Happy Harbor, but mainly into the parents...er I guess my parents? Since after all it wasn't them that reported me missing.


"You're joking." Was the first thing I said out of my mouth. I mean what else could I have said to that. That's when I vaguely remembered the reports on the different kids that went missing and almost physically face palmed myself.

Batman had been quiet while I was freaking out and having my own internal fight with myself. I couldn't tell if it was because he didn't know what to say, or if he did, he didn't know how well I would handle it.

"Cadmus is still going under a full investigation, but Guardian is doing what he can to find more for us."

"But what about what you said, that they gave me a word that basically turns me brain dead. What if someone accidentally said it?" I said as I started to feel panic rise in my chest. I didn't want that to happen, it's clear that what they did to me makes me not remember anything.

'What if that happens with them and they don't know how to fix me. I want to remember, I feel so tired of being robbed of my own memories.'


I wonder if my other family, the ones that did note my disappearance, were still looking for me.... or if they just gave up, after all it has almost been 4 years. I wouldn't blame them if they did, I would probably stop looking for something I've lost after that long.

"What are you watching Z?" I jumped out of my skin and almost screeched, but it came out as more of a gasp. I look over to see Kaldur and Batman standing near the door of the living room. They most likely just got back from the mission they were on earlier.

I glance back at the t.v. to try and see what was on, but it was a show I never watched so I just took a guess since all reality shows are the same...right?

"Um, Adults arguing with each other?" I ask, like they had to confirm what I was watching. Bats just shook his head as Kaldur's face formed into a smile.

"Where are the others?" I asked them, changing the topic because I was starting to feel a bit embarrassed.

"They... got into a bit of a mess so they're cleaning up." Batman says, giving Kaldur a knowing glance.

"On that note I will go clean up and head out, thank you for talking to me earlier." He says before walking off.


" What are you looking at?" I look up from the file I was reading to see Robin taking a seat next me and Artemis going over to one of the cupboards.

"Um, nothing much." I say, well actually that 'nothing much' was something. I had asked Batman if I could have that file we found a while ago about me going missing and the ones that were leaked from Cadmus. He said he wouldn't look further into it unless he wanted me to, but I at least wanted to see what I could find for myself. I wanted to look for my parents, hell at least I think I want to look.

I just want to find someone that will tell me something, what happened to where I was found on the side of the road by Cadmus of all people. How did the guy that formed mist tie into this, at the very least he seemed way too aggressive attacking the Mountain on two separate occasions.

The first encounter with him, it seemed like he didn't want to hurt me like he was dragging me somewhere. I guess I'll never know because thankfully Red Tornado stepped in.

"Doesn't seem like 'nothing'." Artemis claims leaning over the island to look at what I was reading while trying to make a bowl of cereal to eat. I pushed the folder to the middle of the island counter to give her and Robin a better look, I really didn't care if they knew everything about me because then again I don't even know everything about me.

"Whoa-" Robin starts.

"So you were brainwashed." She interrupts and Robin gives her a look like he wanted to elbow her. "Do you believe this?"

I just shrug and look down at the files. " I mean I don't have a choice, do I?"

"But this is Cadmus we're talking about, they could've just made this stuff up... well at least the part of how they got you."

" I don't know about that Art. Looking at this it didn't even seem like your parents knew you were missing, or if they did, they didn't care enough to say anything." Robin places one of the files that he picked up back down on top of the other leaned against the counter.

"I'm just trying to figure out if I want to try to reach anyone from my family, it's just been so long, I'm kind of scared that they just gave up."

"It's better to try and reach out and see how far that goes, and worst case scenario, you have us, right?" Art says, her cereal most likely soggy and long forgotten pushed to the side.

"Hey I know," Robin pushes himself away from the counter getting me and Artemis' attention. " Let's go out and do something, anything, and let's make it a regular thing, to keep your mind off of things you don't want to think about."

"What are we going to do?" I ask. I mean I'm all for leaving the cave, but there is only so much to do without getting bored of it. Don't get me wrong, the view from the mountain of the sea and the beach will never get old for me, but I do want something more to do with everyone.

"Hmm...how about we go on our own adventure! You never get to join us on missions, and I missed the whole thing with Kent Nelson. I think you owe me this one." He laughs.

"What about the others?" Artemis questions. Robin just gives her an exaggerated shrug before grabbing me and Artemis by the arms and dragging us towards the door.

"That's their problem, you snooze, you lose."

"I'm telling you now Robin if you do something that leads to a fight on this 'adventure', I'm never leaving the Mountain with you again."

"Same!" Artemis laughs out. I swear I have never seen Robin look so offended.


[I'm back from my break! Gosh I wish it could have lasted longer it felt great to not write for a week! But I started this book I'm gonna finish it (as well as my other two books x3)]

[Also thank you for 2.2k views! Like wth, I guess some people still like Young Justice C:]

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