|Chapter 21|

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The others were about to go on another mission so soon after the incident with Red and the other people who attacked us, the only issue... they got into a huge argument and now everyone is a bit antsy.

To clarify what happened, Kaldur, for a while now, knew that the team had a mole and didn't say anything. Let's just say the others weren't so happy. Green Lantern and a few other League members stopped by to help clean up the Mountain and update the security so that, hopefully, nothing like that happens again, but so far with the luck we had, it was gonna happen again.

I think the one most upset was Connor and to be honest I was kind of mad at first as well. It's just the fact that Kaldur knew something was wrong and didn't say anything, but I can't be mad at him forever... or anyone for that matter. I just hope they resolve it before someone gets hurt.

As for me I was getting ready to meet with Batman so we could talk about what he discussed with my parents, if he even talked to them that is.

I was twisting a ring Megan had gotten me earlier in the day on my pointer finger. She approached me a few weeks ago asking why I was always pulling at my fingers or squeezing the life out of my squish. When I told her about my nervous behavior, the day that the other Red's attacked she gave me a ring to see if it would help me.

I don't think it would keep me occupied forever but I was so grateful for her trying at least.

"Sorry for the wait, still trying to get everything back on track." Bats apologizes, and takes a seat.

"It's fine I don't have anywhere to be."

"I'm just going to get to the point, I didn't confront them on you in detail, but they didn't even try to hide anything. They told me the whole truth, that they were offered something in exchange for getting rid of their son, but when they went back to check your body you were long gone with Cadmus."

"Is that why they are sending those people after me? To kill me?"

"No, Their efforts haven't been anything extreme to actually harm you. I think it's something your parents have to do themselves," Bats took a long time to speak again, like he didn't know how to say the next words he wanted to. "There is something else you should know."

He shifts in his chair and leans forward, like he was trying to center himself.

"Their adopted son... he's missing. It's starting to look like your case, but he might be dead, so I've sent some people to look into it further."

"But why? Why adopt a child just to do the same thing you did to your own years ago?"

"My only guess would be that they wanted to trick whoever they had the original deal with, the child they adopted is around your age now and you share similar features except for your eyes. It most likely didn't work and now they have no choice but to get you back."


'What am I supposed to say to that? Does Matt even know that their other kid is missing? Or is it that similar to my case where no one knew for weeks.'

" I want to offer you something," That snapped me out of my thoughts as I look back to Batman still in the same pose, never breaking eye contact with me. " To stay in the mansion with Robin and Agent A. Very few know who I am, and I can trust that you won't tell the others. I offer this because of your situation with your parents, It would be safer."

"O-okay." I answer with little hesitation. The small amount of time I had with them was so much fun, not that I didn't enjoy Megan and Connor's company, they are just too... cuddly lately, it was starting to make me feel like a third wheel anyways.

'Maybe they would enjoy the extra space and quietness together, it's not like I'm doing much here at the Cave anyways.'


I didn't expect Robin to be so happy when we told him, well kind of told him. Instead of just telling him like a normal person, Bats asked me to pack a small bag and we would just surprise him at the manor instead.

At one point before arriving I had asked if it really was okay because I didn't want to burden anyone else with the shenanigans going on in my life. He kept reassuring me that he and Robin would be fine with it, and that Agent A, who he told me I could call Alfred, would be happy to have a normal person who would eat what he cooks.

Robin was apparently looking for me today anyways, because the moment he stepped through the door and located Batman he asked where I was and that's how we got to right now.

"Wait, so does that mean we can tell him who we are, that would be so cool! I mean I love Wally, but I really need someone more my age to vent to about both my lives."

Batman nodded, letting him know it was fine, but I was still kind of bothered because it felt weird to call him Batman when he was fully decked out in a nice looking suit and not wearing a mask or a pair of shades to cover his blue eyes.

"Man, starting today, everything will be so much more fun!"


[Well I guess I can call this a wrap for the YJ side of the story. It was fun and I do enjoy the show but I want this story to be vastly different from it in it's own reality.]

[The other members will still appear so I can do relationship building and other story points, but other than that it might just be mentions of different episodes to establish timelines.]

[That being said the story will progress even faster now that the foundation of it all is set, so if it seems like my writing changed it's because of that.]

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